Temporary Pandaren Leader

It was surprising but Jin actually managed to have slept quite a fair bit during this portion of the war since the System and him believed that the Demon Rats were going to take drastic actions later in the evening when the fighting got fiercer.

There were more Pandarens fighting against the Demon Rats and they were rushing, hoping to break the siege for the third layer of the Inner Wall. Pandarens started to use the items they bought from the Hidden Gem Night Market and they found them to be very useful. 

But it was extremely chaotic.

Because there were no actual Pandaren Leaders to lead the way, each Pandaren team was doing what they felt was best for them to earn the most points. One could say that the chaos and haphazard use of the items bought from the Hidden Gem Night Market somehow allowed them to be 'random' enough to give the Demon Rat Generals a big headache.