Gaining Grounds in the East & West

Meantime, when all the commotion was happening in the Northern Capital and the newly revealed Undercity, the East and the West had their own problems to handle. The Demon Rat Army who had recovered from the initial shock attack after Day 1 had been pushing aggressively against the other two sides. They were dying to get to the surface and all they needed was just one rat to go through for the plan to work.

As long as one Demon Rat Soldier was able to go through all the defences and remained unscathed, they have the opportunity to expand into the East and West regions when time permits. 

This was because each one of the soldiers had been ordered to carry a bunch of seeds with them and there were none other than the Demon mutant seeds which they were grown from. In fact, the Demon Rats were curious whether those Demon mutant seeds would eventually grow into something different and yet similar in nature to them when grown in soil that was not from the Northern Region.