Cutting the Reinforcement

Jin had finally made the decision to seize this opportunity to end the Demon Rats within the tunnels for good despite the risk of them committing suicide and damaging the undersea tunnels those rats were being battered to a pulp and Jin's Armies were moving closer to the centre of the Undercity.

He knew that the minion leaders would have asked for portals to materialise to save the troops so that impending loss was one he was ready to take. And now that Weslie had enlisted the Queen of the Western Region's assistance, it was even more vital for her side to save them when the push came to shove.

Jin had also decided to push for the destruction of both the Demon Rat Armies within the Eastern and Western Tunnels in order to prevent the main city from receiving the reinforcements they would have wanted to have while the conflict raged on in the main city. The Demon Rats' capacity to overpower Jin's army and the participating cultivators would be further reduced.