Synthesis World

"Synthesis World is a terrible... terrible place even for my standards." Diabolos started to be a little melancholic as he attempt to explain what in the hell that place was.

"Just cut the bull crap." Lynn rebutted and demanded a clear explanation.

"Fiesty." Diabolos retorted and decided to explain as straightforwardly as he could. "If I am not wrong, your boy had been split into two once again. As if taking his powers away was not enough, sending him into the Synthesis World would have dealt the final blow to him as a way to either A) dismantle his mind, body and soul for good or B) give him the hardest challenge of all so that they could have a good laugh at it."

"What you do mean? Can't you say it in simpler terms?" Lynn pressed for the answer as it felt like Jin was in deeper shit than they could anticipate.