Storm the Underground -Part 1

"I have no idea what you did, but it seems that you have some kind of power up?" Diaz asked as she lurked behind Jin holding onto the drill.

"You could say that," Jin said as he attempted to point the drill at the underground door that had been blocked by the debris. The artillery bombardment sure did a hell of a job breaking stuff that it was such a mess.

Now that Jin knows that the tactical system had been inhibited by his own System, he did try to nudge it in ways to support him even further. Points of weakness had been examined the moment Jin had utilised his Maqi sensing, allowing the System to determine where would be the best place to drill a hole.

But Jin had other things in mind. Instead of drilling to open it up, he was intending to use the strength he acquired in his Grade 2 ascension to break the weak points of the entrance so that he could enter and face head on the Mechanoids while the rest continued to back him up..