"Synthesis Dungeon" - Final

Even as Dyke and Raymond were somewhat overtly furious that Lark had died, only Jin knew the reason why that happened. It was Raymond who had secretly decided to pay his points as part of to hinder the Royal Bodyguards. While the assistance care packages were publicly shown to the spectators and shoutouts were made to publicise the people who donated generously for their cause, the obstacles to block or slow the progress of the participants were not.

Jin believed that Raymond did it on purpose to set the obstacle up so that he could denounce Jin for making such a difficult dungeon. The dungeon supplier also assumed that Raymond was daring enough to do that because of his high affinity with Archduke Dyke. Even if Jin swore that it was Raymond, there was a chance the personal attendant would be able to defend himself and slander Jin even further for suggesting that.