Remaking the Nuclear Reactor Drive

"Everything seems to be moving fine,"  Lynn said as she stood up and tested her abilities a little. The punch she threw out had some wind following her and the roundhouse kick that she performed was marvellously perfect. To the War Maidens, they could do the same as well but when it comes to executing the technique, their close combat programming was not as precise as what Lynn had.

However, they could not see what Jin had seen. To them could be just a perfect kick, but to Jin, he saw that the kick had his Maqi following and coursing through the move. It was smoother than the gushing streams of water. Not only that, but for some reason, he was able to see the Mini Nuclear Drive running in the background, duplicating a similar energy signature to his Maqi and Jin doubted that there was anything that could produce the same as this nuclear drive.