Catching Up -Part 4

There was a lot to catch up on, especially since Moloch was one of the deputy commanders in Jin's army of minions. In fact, from what the System had reported, Moloch was one of the few who were actively assisting Qiu Yue when Jin was missing from the start.

This was because Moloch was the one that knew how to play the logistic game right from the start. Even though the System and Jin had been managing it relatively 'okay', the things that Jin possessed from the start to the day he disappeared had exponentially grown into something that it was insufficient for one person to catalogue properly.

So, the disappearance of Jin was somewhat of a blessing in disguise to temporarily stem the expansion of their store. As if it was something of a fortunate foresight, what Qiu Yue had been doing for the past few months made the Red Panda User recognise that reorganisation and auditing everything was her forte.