Counterattack against Diamondz -Part 9

"Warning, the System has detected a change in algorithm sequence within the database. The security locks have been severed and we do not have control of them." The tactical System said which made Click stop in her tracks for a moment, apparently stunned that it was not working.

"Wait a minute, I thought I managed to hack through them?!" Click said as she checked her backlogs the moment she returned her composure. 

"The System believed the backdoor was a trap used to lure hackers to take the easy way out. It was hidden sufficiently so that it was not that obvious but it was still a trap nonetheless." The System reported as they could see that the room they were stuck in started to make noises.

Locks were engaged and shutters were being brought down ensuring that no one would be allowed to leave this room alive until the threats had been eliminated. Even the series of Mechanoids that were sleeping within their pods started to warm up.