Lord of Mount Sunn - Part 6

Diaz was fast enough to detect some incoming movements before a deer like creature came and pounced on the group in general. Thankfully, Diaz's alert allowed them to scatter just in time. Upon a closer look, its features were as if an brutish Orc had fused with a deer. Diaz could not recognise the monster through its database and so did the investigative team. 

The security experts who were within the vicinity were about to return fire until Diaz commanded them to bring the investigative team away from this sudden attack.  Thankfully, because of their recent promotion, the security experts -despite the name, were still of lower rank than them. Not to mention, Jin's squad was apparently of high status within the Archduke's list of personal squads for some reason which Jin was not aware of and therefore, those Mechanoids had no choice but to obey the orders despite their urge to go into a fight.