Defending Daimon -Part 5

"All departing cultivators, please remember to place the safety harness on once you aligned correctly to your standing positions." The announcement was repeating itself on the loudspeaker of the supposed landing pods.

Mainly because this landing pod was for the Pandawans, the landing pod they were using was larger than usual and all of the Pandawans were walking in circles within this landing pod. As much as a landing pod had been defined to cater to only a small group, this particular landing drop pod had been designed to withstand a huge amount of people and that also means that the impact was larger. 

Therefore, the decision for Jin to bring them into the Western Front was undoubtedly within his mind but he realised why should he do that when these Pandawans had repeatedly proven that they were stronger than the average Pandarens not just in terms of sheer willpower but also teamwork.