Defending Daimon -Part 20

"Eastern Daimon Assault Forces and Platoon Pandawan. You will feel a slight shift in your surroundings so please hold on to your horses. Well, erm… you will get what I mean." Jin said and within a few seconds, the entire area felt different, as if something had teleported them. 

And suddenly, the sky did not feel right to them. The moonlight was a little dim -wait no. There was no moonlight at all. The forest fires and the smell of death were not there either. However, what they could see was undoubtedly the Forest Trolls that were right in front of them equally dazed by the situation. 

It was only when they looked up that they saw a humongous platform of iron and steel staring at them. There was no need to search for the moonlight as there was nothing beyond that ship of crazy proportions.