Defending Daimon -Part 31

"The situation is as it is. Those guided bunker busters were useful in disrupting what they do but they are not giving up." Jin stated as he showed how they now started to use the shields that they initially made for the monster lure pillar and now they had been used to cover what they had been doing.

"The worst part is, they are now putting in what they had created and started dishing them out. There was a Metal Ogre who we considered a variant had emerged from the forest with a huge ass sword. And that sword did not look like it was smithed. We were definitely it was being made since most Metal Ogres  usually carry a type of weapon based on their metal composition."

"But this one was different. He had the composition look of an Iron Metal Ogre but his sword had a dulled expression of red hues and orange hues. A little green if the colour sensor was correct." Jin said.