Defending Daimon -Part 37

While it felt like the die had been cast for the Metal Ogres, they did not give up. They could see that the enemies were of a different calibre than them. All their enhancements had provided the Metal Ogres the strength to move better than a Mechanoid. They are walking tanks which could do devastating damge as long as they could get close enough.

Once the Metal Ogres understood that logic, they quickly adapted from trying to defend themselves from the attacks to reckless charges. Their leaders do not care what they will do as long as they inflict as much danger as possible.

Even with Operation Magical Sky is in effect, no. It is precisely because of Operation Magical Sky, the Metal Ogres felt that their powers were waning and were disheartened by the progress made by their fellow comrades. Their sense of loss was deepened by the meaningless death of their comrades and their hunger to get back on the humans who had been killing them senselessly.