Who Will Know? -Part 16

"What's with all the ruckus…" Jin thought to himself as he could feel that his body had been tugged, squeezed, pulled, grabbed in every way thinkable. "Shouldn't the battle be done already?" He tried to open his eyes and found that Yinn was huffing and puffing. 

If not for the fact that she was a Mechanoid, there was no way she could pull this deed of protecting Jin up till now. "Are you fully awake?" Yinn asked with a bright smile. "You seem to be struggling in your sleep. And there were some sort of worm or worms going around your body. Tellie and Click described to me what had happened to you before.

"Yeah, that's normal for me. What's happening?" He asked when more bullet shots were heard from the back of her and Yinn knew there was no time to get such explanations from him.

"Scenario 7. We had been betrayed," Yinn reported and Jin squinted his eyes to comprehend what was going through in his head.