Who Will Know? -Part 38

"Urgh… Where am I again?" Jin said but this time, he was seemingly resting on a rather comfortable pillow but the entire body was on hard ground. 

"Just rest easy, Commander. You are in safe hands." Page whispered softly but as she wanted to comfort him even further, the ruckus from the rest of the Grey Bear Squad was being extremely noisy. 

"I told you not to put the explosives over there!" Diaz argued with Click.

"You don't have to be here in the first place, I just needed that small little space to put my explosives so I can calculate the amount needed for the safe!" 

"Can you just hurry already? I am getting tired." Tellie yawned as she saw the commotion happening at the side.

"I concur with Tellie. If you are still not done, we will get out of here." Yinn looked at the time passed and shook her head.

"But the treasure!" Click and Diaz said in unison. Page on the other hand decided to shout out.