King of Bearling -Part 19

When Shai gave the command in the War Room, the rest of the assassins had already moved away from Jin but the Royal Guards were not giving any quarters for Jin to move forward into the Bearling Palace. 

"Do you need us to come in?" Yinn asked Jin through the System intercoms as Jin stayed where he was since the Royal Guards were not shooting at him either.

"No. You guys have not been found yet?" Jin was worried that they were already engaged with the enemy.

"Don't seem like it. We even asked the System if there were any movements that would lead us to this way. But there are none at the moment. Even the War Train had yet to be deployed."

"Yeah, Commander. You want us to come in since you are already at Bearling Palace's front door?" Diaz wanted a confirmation. "Probably all the chaos and explosion had made them forget about us."