As Warned By Farasha

As warned by Farasha, Jin had decided to take down the Mutated Undead Warriors with as little Maqi as possible. Deriving more on swordplay and ensuring that he applied the principles of killing one at a time and not injuring the others so as to not wake Spartakus up because he finally found a worthy challenger.

He also ensured that there was at least a thirty second gap time between each kill even though more and more Wang Liangs are coming out to play. Jin maintained his composure and fought with each one of them on equal footing. 

Eventually, Diego's Uber came and saw that Jin was fighting in the street alone. The Uber Driver saw what was happening and asked if the old man wished to come back into the car and escape the scene. Diego smiled and rejected the offer as he conjured up a barrier blocking visuals and sound, camouflaging the scene almost immediately.