High Elves' Attack -Final

Jin saw the whole thing in motion when he was informed a few 'Earth' days later that the High Elves had reached the outskirts of the New Adventurer Town. Like what Kraft had described, the High Elves despite their hunger, the lack of armour, and weapon maintenance (Some were likely sabotaged by the Night Foxes when they were not looking) had continued their façade. 

Standing all high and mighty on their horsebacks, the High Elves began shouting their decree that the citizens of New Adventurer's Town had to pay their tribute in terms of coin and resources to the High Elves. 

Obviously, the Orcs and Goblins who had been 'hired' by Jin and Kraft continued to man their own business, not responding to the crazy group of High Elves who were on their horsebacks shouting their lungs out to be heard.