Finally, The Supposed Discussion -Part 2

"Why did we even bother to listen to them and be under their mercy?" Kraft asked in the System Channel as he yawned despite the police truck rocking a little through the roads. 

"Don't you guys want to do a discussion? We finally would be able to have time to ourselves and talk without any interruptions at all." Jin replied in the System Channel and some of the foxes chuckled a little. However, all of them continued to keep their stoic faces and no one was making a move on their faces. They knew that if they were to speak with chi telepathy or move their mouth muscles, the agents that were escorting them would know what the hell they were up to. 

Of course, Kraft wished to test the limits of their agents but Jin told him not to bother them as they were innocent people listening to instructions. They should already be glad that they were not in chains. (Not like those chains could stop them at all.)