Finally, The Supposed Discussion -Final

"Century long crusade, are you fucking kidding me?" Jin could not believe it at all as he did not know how the situation had devolved to such lengths. And Rex had no reason to exaggerate. After which, he took a minute to sit back for a moment to absorb that fact.

Rex then used his magic along with the help of the System to pull out a holographic map of the Dungeon World. This time, the barrier that was surrounding them got even darker so as not to be surprised by any people, especially the agents who were coming through. It might not make sense to them but they should not give any reason for them to suspect that they were plotting things.

Rex showed the land that Pandapolis and the future cities once they had merged together. "This is the possible and also expected routes that the Churchies might take to attack us. From what we have seen, they are spreading lies that this religion that we are having is a hoax and people should not believe in us."