Boot Camp -Part 2

The cycle repeats and Jin keeps scrutinising them for the insufficient amount of metal ore that they brought in while at the same time repeating all the punishments while inserting Maqi into the Dungeon Portal to enhance the time compression that the ten trainees were experiencing. This was to increase the

So far, they had about nearly 2.5 hours of real time training while effectively, they had gone through about three weeks' worth of mining. There were sporadic rest and breaks within the dungeon itself as well as a water down porridge. They still could not get the amount straight but they learned that if they came out as a whole, they did not need to suffer the punishment.

At first, they thought the time limit was a joke until they realised that when they came out late, they were being given weight bracelets as well having their mined ores as confiscated and they had to mine with those weight bracelets on. However, they also start to learn how to help one another.