Against the Tides of Orcs -Part 2

"I am on my last magazine!" One of the Star Foxes said as he felt that he was already past his own magical limits but Kraft still did not allow the utilisation of the emergency mana boosters. The Star Foxes thought that the Devil Fox did now about it but in the heat of battle, he warned everyone not to even touch it unless he gave the permission to do so.

"I'm out too!" Another Star Fox said and it was pretty obvious that the group was at their last legs. They might have gone with a bang at the start of the battle but the sheer numbers were just something that they could not compete against. Arrows flew from all directions in an attempt to kill the targets while the frontliners used brute force to hamper their shields. Some of them did evasive manoeuvres but they never expected the Orcs to be strong and fast enough to catch up on them, forcing a few to go into close combat fights.