The Dashavatara (Various) -Part 19

Despite the loss of the Dashavatara and their main staunch allies at the Sea Fortress of Lyro, things were not going as well as they should be at the moment for them too. 

With the elite force of the Sea Fortress being sent out to dispatch the Celestial leaders, the remaining Mages and ancillary support soldiers were doing their best to keep the Celestial Allied Troops at bay. Hanuman did not come alone nor did Balarama, Rama, and even Kurma

A combined force of these numerous enemies was beginning to overwhelm the Mages at bay. It was so bad that the System had finally approved the first quick reactionary force to enter the fray in order to save the Mages' asses. This was also due to the fact that Rama had previously disabled all of their cannons, not just the ones facing the beaches.