"Blue Wood Town" deep water

After the team of 6 men left the Courtyard they went over to the valley inside the forest the met Robert and Co, before asking where is the girl.

Robert Suddnely Unleashed an attack at one of the men from behind, and so did the other 4 men whose soul got soul imprint by Long Yi.

The Guards were stunned at first, before trying their best to stop the attacks, one of the guards shouted at Robert:" What are you doing!?"

Robert Laughed and raised his Voice:"I'm only here to hurt you a little don't push me to do the kill, so you just stand there and get hit, don't make my attacks fail."

The Guards were afraid their leader was the 7th Stage of Dantian Creation stage that he is already being overwhelmed like this, what about them, should they flee, or should they Fight to the death.

The leader shouted at Robert:" Robert, I have Always thought of you as a brother, why did you betray me, Why.?"

Robert sneered at him and said coldly:" Si Kong, What betray are you talking about, I'm just doing as my master ordered me to do, So don't wrong me please, I just wants to Injure you all a bit, as a brother come on help me to finish my mission." Robert Went into Fight again.

Si Kong Saw this and he Shouted" Stone Edge" Suddenly the ground cracked with a ~ ZZZzzcl~ Sounds a Sharp Sword went into an attack at Full speed towards Robert.

Robert Sneered then he clapped his Hands and Whispered:" Stone Wall" the Earth around him Cracked with a ~ BOOM~ and Stone Wall of Earth appeared around Robert, The Stone Wall Shielded The Sword attack but is cracked and crumbled to nothing.

Long Yi Who was watching the Fighting of the ten men, was amazed at their way of fighting, They can actually Summon Elements and Even Control it.?

Long Yi couldn't Help but look again at them, he found that both the men hold a Strange Talisman in their Hands, it seems like these attacks were not their own attacks but an attack sealed in these Talismans.

Then He looks at his own body and his blood, he Knitted his eyebrow for a moment, then he laughed, hahaha so this body is a special constitution.

The body of Long Yi is Called the Oracle Body, This body may seem Weak, but it Can unleash and Contain Frightning Soul Power at any moment, ts a Body of Legends, Maybe that's why this body can contain a Soul of a Demigod rank soul.

Long Yi eyes looked back at the battlefield to see that Robert was being at disadvantage in the Fight, After all he is Fighting 7th Stage Master while he is only at the peak of the 6th Stage, when Long Yi Saw that the battle Went Messy and everyone Attention was on Killing, He Laughed and Unleashed his domain at the battlefield.

When The Fighting Guards Felt the Domain Their Eyes held Fear, They wanted to Run, But they couldn't Move a muscle.

Si Kong was stunned at this, He Went into the Run but was sneak attacked by both Lila and Rin Su from his back he dropped on the ground with a buff, his body full of slashes, his eyes bloody, He screamed at the top of his Voice:" HAVE MERCY. DONT KILL ME"

and Here Appeared from the shadows a man With long hair and a blank look, he was riding on top of a White Tiger, Although this man has rigged clothes, his eyes gave a strong feeling of Death.

Si Kong Eyes Full of Tears, and Sorrow as he said:" This lord, I'm a servant of Young master Han If you Spare this slave life maybe Young Master Han can Reward you."

Robert Sneered at Si Kong Act, and then he bowed to the Man before saying " Milord this slave did as he was ordered" he kept kneeling in front of Long Yi.

Si Kong Saw this and Felt more Pressure on him, He knew that this man isn't simple at all to be able to gather all of these guards even his sworn brother betrayed him, even the Mayor Daughter is Bowing to Him. Something is Wrong.

Long Yi Looked at Si Kong Eyes and Said." Submit to my Will or Die"

Si Kong Let out a sigh of relief, he didn't want to die at least not until he has a child or two to continue his bloodline.

The other men, Looked at their bodies and their leader and knew resisting is futile. they all surrounded to Long Yi, Long Yi planted soul Imprints inside their Souls.

After Si Kong And his Men understood what happened and that they are now Long Yi soul slaves, They shuddered, ` This man can do such a thing?`

Si Kong Bowed to Long Yi and said:" Now I'm a mere slave under your Control, May I ask to let me heal my injured body and to also my men."

Long Yi Waved his hand and ordered Robert to Tell Si Kong about the Plan.

Robert Went closer to Si Kong and whispered everything to him in details.

Si Kong Shock got even Deeper This man Plans to Steal the Legendary Herb from young Master Han hands and to even Inslave Young Master Han into a mere slave.?.

If someone Were to tell him that someone can slave people using their souls, then he will laugh at him, and if someone before told him that someone intends to inslave Young Master Han then he will burst into laughter till death, But now.?.

He knew that this New Master isn't simple, with only the soul power he enslaved more than 13 Souls. Maybe he Can really do it. What if this master can enslave the whole Blue Wood Town.? at this Idea and he shook his head with fear.

When Robert and Si Kong and their men went into healing, Long Yi closed his eyes, and h Thought ' So the Caus my body was Destroyed when I Entered the DemiGod rank is because my body couldn't contain the soul of a Demigod Rank, and it exploded hmmm? but now I have this body is it possible for me to step into the Gods Ranks ?..!'.

Long Yi summoned Rin Su and Lila to his side, before Asking them to tell his the Information they didn't tell to him before.

both Rin Su and Lila were Ashamed of their act, but they still nodded their heads and told him all they knew about the current waters of Blue woods Town.

it Turns out That Rin Su was Selected by her Uncle a cultivator in The Imperial Army as a High Disciple of The Qilin Faction,

Her father the mayor was happy and he agreed, but she thought that uncle of hers always treat her with kindness and always full of smiles and then one day she asked her father, and he told her that This uncle is Called Rin Kai he is one of The Outer Disciples of the Armored Army of The Empire, and he is also her blood relative uncle from their main family branch.

And she will leave soon to her Family Main branch after she reaches the Water Element Controller Stage, with her father.

and Lila told him too, that her father is a hidden Demon with the Blood of their Ancestor he was the first to awaken the bloodline inside him and he helped her to awaken her bloodline power.

She told him that her Father Was a member of a Hidden Faction Called the bloody Daggers, and this Organisation holds the power of 13 Cultivators, and her Father is also one of the high Ranked Elder, her Grandfather is the One Who created this Organisation before his death. His Ambition was To

Her mother is the leader of the organization her stand is the most powerful, her mother holds the bloodline of a demon as well, but she doesn't know to which bloodline her mother belongs to.

Long Yi couldn't help but think about this hidden information he just got from both of the girls, but he still has to make his plan after his Dantianand meridians healed. then no one can stand in his way from getting more power.