Tentacles (Warning Hentai Scene)

Naruko and Hinata were now poised to fight now. But still... I wonder if I should be happy or not... I mean I want harem and there are already girls fighting over me but I feel somehow violated.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruko produced four shadow clones and charged at Hinata. Meanwhile, veins started to appear near Hinata's eyes. Ah crap! She will be able to see me with her Byakugan... come on! I NEED TO HIDE MY PRESENCE!

[Ting! New skill learned.

Hide Presence Lvl Max (Active) - Able to completely hide your presence (duh?)]

Phew! Safe... anyway as four Naruko charged at Hinata, she got to her stance. The Gentle... eh!?

I blinked... and I blinked again. I furiously rubbed my eyes... that is no Gentle Fist Taijutsu... that's the Peek-A-Boo Boxing stance. This... what is going on?

As I was contemplating... the fight against Naruko and Hinata had started. As the four Naruko charged, Hinata rushed in as well. With her Peek-A-Boo stance, she looked really menacing... as if she was the female version of Mike Tyson.

Naruko had her clones attack Hinata from four separate directions but it was all futile. She used her graceful footwork and weaved through the attacked. It was amazing. I never thought I would somehow witness Boxing in the ninja world.

"Is this it, weakling? Then, you stand no chance." Right after that Hinata had started her counter attack. All the attacks were dodged then countered giving the two fold of the damage back to the attacker.


Mercilessly all the clones were beaten down with ease. The original Naruko had a determined expression.

"I am not going to lose dattebane. Akira-kun's ass... I will protect it!" Dark lines started to form on my forehead at that proclamation.

"That ass is too good for you, weakling." I started hyperventilating.

I could hear something snapping inside of me. Getting my pride repeatedly attacked... no violated like this... I WON'T STAND FOR THIS!


"Eh!/Huh!" They both exclaimed at my sudden arrival but I was too enraged to think clear... my Gamer Mind should have been working, at the same time the feeling of my pride being damaged kept coming with more intensity... nullifying it.

They had my pride violated... I wanted... no I needed to do the same. I had to violate them as well. As an otaku in my previous life I had watched quite a lot of Hentai, so my subconscious mind did the thing that considered violating women... no loli girls.

[Ting! New skill learned.

Chakra Limbs Lvl Max (Active) - Able to create any kind of extra limbs from your chakra.]

I had produced two tentacles with my new skill and grabbed both the naughty girl who had committed serious crime. Yes... crime of repeatedly damaging my manly pride.

"What are..." I didn't let whoever it was finish her words. I shoved the tentacles in both of their mouth.

I looked at them and still felt something was missing... it didn't feel complete. Then I realised what was missing.

[Ting! New skill learned.

Water Manipulation Lvl Max (Active) - Able to manipulate water freely.

Slime Manipulation Lvl Max (Active) - Sub-element of water manipulation. Able to control fluids in the body to create slime.]

This was only the beginning...

They have yet to get thoroughly violated...