Ultimate Pervert

Jiraya's POV

Ever since I remember I was enamoured by the opposite sex. I pursued the path of the ninja for the very reason. I had realised something from my feeling towards the opposite sex.

I hated war. If everyone had the same feeling I had then there would be no war but sadly it wasn't meant to be...

I had to get strong if my ambition for peace was to come true. I trained hard but sadly I was not a genius. Orochimaru, my arch rival and also my teammate was a freaking genius.

And he wasted all that for what? For immortality... what a joke. He betrayed the village and experimented on countless innocent for his twisted ambitions. But that wasn't what angered me.

What angered me was that he was a pedo... and I will tell you I have no problems with that either but he decided to venture into the forbidden territory.

He was a gay pedo.


And there was Tsunade... she simply saw as a perverted bastard which wasn't wrong but it wasn't the entire truth either.

So I gave up on her.

I was the dead last, who had no potential whatsoever but with my desperate attempt to strong I manage to land myself in Mt Myoboku, the sacred land of Toad sage.

There I was told that I had a great path ahead of me. I was told that my future disciple would be the Child Of Prophecy.

I was excited. Not because that I would be the master of that child but because the child of prophecy would be the one who would have similar trait to me.

That meant that he would be a super pervert as well.

Thus, my journey for the search of the choosen child began.

It was extremely difficult searching for that child but I never gave up.

My first disciple was a young Uzumaki boy. His name was Uzumaki Nagato.

I trained him along with his two friends Konan and Yahiko who were orphan. He had befriended them and brought them to Uzugakure. With Uzumaki clan's immense life force, I had thought that he would be the one but he proved to be a disappointment.

He was simply to sacrificial. He gave up love for Konan to Yahiko simply because he didn't want them to be sad. What the hell?

He was out.

He wasn't the one I was searching for.

Next was Namikaze Minato. A girly looking boy but he was quite reliable when he needed to be.

He was showing signs of being the child of prophecy. That thought was shattered when he married Kushina.

Kushina played him like a fiddle during their bed time activity. He wasn't the One either.

It been a long time and I was getting tired. Maybe it was just a prophecy, nothing more.

I was on my way towards Konoha. Something urgent had come up since Minato called me ASAP.

As I reached Konoha. There was some disturbance nearby the outskirts. I decided to check it and OH BOY! I had finally found the one.

The Child Of Prophecy in all his glory.

He had the talent as well as the traits of super pervert... no it was beyond that.

He wouldn't be a super pervert...

He was The Ultimate Pervert.