Pedo (Warning Hentai Scene)

Mitirashi Anko's POV

This is your sexy and single badass ninja Mitirashi Anko currently eighteen years old. I am also known as the Snake Mistress of Konoha due to my summoning contract with the snakes and... that damn fucking Orochimaru.

That Orochimaru... I hate him with every fibre of my being. I trusted him yet he abandoned me and placed this damned cursed seal on me.

He also experimented on many innocent people and worst defiled... little boys for his sick amusement. Disgusting...

The cursed seal he placed on me gave me many painful nights so in order to relieve my pain I went for the pleasure of flesh. It wasn't really that good but at least it have me some relief from the pain caused by the damned cursed seal.

The men who slept with me were all brute with no technique whatsoever. The only one who was somewhat satisfying was Hatake Kakashi. He had the technique but no stamina.

I guess those Icha Icha book took a lot out of him... that guy had issues with priorities. Who gives priority to a porn book than the real thing itself? I guess there are people who just have their own preference.

Another thing to keep myself occupied from the seal was my darling dango. Those sweet and soft taste that melts in your mouth together with sake was absolutely heavenly. It beat sex by miles... or so I thought until I met the pretty boy Rance.

The first time I laid my eyes on him, my first thought was he was good looking. And I had also faintly noticed by the way he walked that he wasn't much used to it. That meant he had probably disguised himself.

As a ninja who was part of Interogation and torture unit, I needed to see what he was up to. To my surprise he came towards me and asked if he could sit with me whilst flirting. He was not a bad flirt but unfortunately I had other plans...

I was starting to think that maybe he was just disguising himself for other reasons and he was not a threat to Konoha. After spending some time with I enjoyed it quite a bit but due to the suspicion I was having a hard to fully immerse myself with him.

After the food he treated me was finished, I was ready to bail and go to Morino Ibiki to check this Rance guy out. But that went all out of window as he kissed me....

The jolt of electricity I felt from that was indescribable. It made me want more, I was probably dazed but I quickly snapped myself awake.

He was walking away...

My mind was telling me to not trust him as there was something fishy about him but my heart and body was an entirely different matter. And I did something I stupid. I invited him to my place.

My usual bold and brash personality was only a mask to hide my pain. But with a single gesture that guy just broke my mask away.

We reached my place and immediately I pounced at him unable to control my urge.

I grabbed his collar and forcefully kissed him, he returned the kiss. Our tongues were busily ravaging each. This feeling... it was so good that I was going mad and he was also busy massaging my butt.

Those touch of his were amazing. My maiden hood was completely soaking wet. I felt like if he let go of me I wouldn't be able to live anymore. He was too amazing.

This wasn't good. I couldn't let him keep the advantage.

I pushed him on the bed and quickly unbuckled his pants. His meat rod came out as it lightly slapped me on the face. It was quite vigorous but not that big as I had expected it to be.

I had yet to know that he had still time to grow...

"Anko you are quite the fiesty one, aren't you?" He chuckled seemingly delighted at the sight of me ready to give him a blowjob.

I didn't reply as I snaked my tongue and wrapped around the meat stick. The very my tongue wrapped around his member I orgasmed.

The pleasure I felt just from the contact was too much and I wanted more.

I energetically bobbed my head as I licked every part of his his deliciously pleasurable member.

"Oh Anko! I am cumming!" He came into my mouth and it was quite a lot as well. It seems he had stored up quite a bit.

I gulped down the semen and licked the remainder of it that was on my lips. It was unbelievably tasty. What the hell was this guy made of? Is he some kind of sex god?

As I was busy savoring the taste of his seed. He grabbed me and layed me on the bed.

"It's not fair only you get to have the milk now, is it?" He grinned and tore my suit and grabbed my breast with a strong grip. I couldn't help but moan at his rough but pleasurable administration.

"Now it's my turn." He immediately started sucking on my breast.

"Aah~ so good~" It felt so good! Hearing my compliment he started sucking more vigorously as he used his tongue to lick my nipples. By kami! I never want this feeling to go.

As I was at the height of ecstasy, I felt something come through my nipples. I couldn't believe it... milk was actually coming from them.

"Hehe... wuite the delicious milk you have Anko. Come taste it." My mind was clouded with pleasure to think anything straight so I started sucking on my own milk from my breast.

"Now then why don't we go for the main course?" As Rance said that he lifted me up and inserted his meat rod in my lower hole.

"Ohhh~" Just the inserting the tip gave so much ecstasy.

He plunged it completely and started moving vigorously. Just a few movement of his amazing body gave me uncountable orgasms.

After half an hour of those vigorous action I felt the biggest orgasm I had ever had. Just as I had the orgasm I heard a strangled voice deep within me.

I subconsciously put a hand on the cursed mark only to feel nothing there. What had happened?

If it were any other day I would have quickly rushed to check it but with such a sex beast in front me, I didn't care about it anymore.

As we continued our wild and passionate sex I had realised that his transformation was gone and in front of me plowing my meat hole was a pink haired little boy. But I did't give a damn. Right now the only thing mattered was the heavenly feeling I was getting through this boy.

After ten hours of non-stop sex I had finally lost consciousness and I began to think what had occured before I fully lost my consciousness.

It seems that Rance guy was actually a kid in disguise who was also sex god personified. He also managed to get rid of the cursed seal by the prowess of his sex alone...

And lastly it seems I am a pedo just like Orochimaru...

Damn it! Rance or whatever his name is... he is going to take responsibility for making me feel this way about him and for making me a pedo like Orochimaru...