
The ominous wind howled as the two hooded figure threatened the Fourth Hokage with the life of his newborn child.

"Wait! Relax... I am sure we can talk peacefully here." Minato hurriedly said.

"Kukuku... it's not us who needs to relax, Fourth Hokage." A slithery voice resounded from one of the hooded figure.

"Times ticking Fouth Hokage. Hurry and hand over the Jinchuuriki." Another hooded figure spoke out calmly.

"Minato hand me over to them. Naruto, protect him." Kushina wheezed due to her weakened body.

"But-" before Minato could finish his words, the hooded figure sprung into action. While one of them threw the baby up in the air and prepared to stab the little baby.

The other figure rushed towards Kushina. "Itachi!" Minato shouted telling him to engage with the enemy. Itachi gave a nod as he rushed towards the one who was aiming for Kushina.

Minato used the Flying Thunder God jutsu and instantly teleported towards his newborn son. As he got a hold of him, he heard a sizzling sound.

'Explosive Tags!' Minato quickly unwraped the bungle with Explosive Tags and teleported himself and his son to his safe house.

"You will be safe here. I have to go and save your mother and brother. Wish me luck." Minato affectionately kissed his son's forehead and teleported to Kushina.

As he reached Kushina, he saw that Itachi was busy trying to fend off against the two hooded figure.

He quickly rushed in to help his step-son out.

"Rasengan!" He quickly formed a Rasengan and hit the person Itachi was fighting against. The person dodged it and retreated backwards.

"Oh! You came here quite fast. Your reputation precedes you, Forth Hokage but you are too late."

Minato was confused but not for long as he saw a sword pierced through his stomach.

"MINATO!!!" Kushina could only yell as she was powerless.

The one who had pierced him was none other than Uchiha Itachi.

"Ita..chi... why?" Minato asked feeling unimaginable pain both emotionally and physically.

"Kukuku... Minato it seems this is the end for you." One of the hooded figure approached and finally took off the hood.

Minato's eyes widened, " Uch...iha... Shi..sui.."

"Kukuku... not exactly. This is but a mere vessel. Have you not noticed anything else, Minato." 'Shisui' asked him mockingly.

Minato finally realised who he truly was. "Oroch..imaru.." Minato spat out the words venomously.

"That's right... I am Orochimaru. I have finally completed that jutsu and with that I gained this new body. The power of Mangekyo Sharingan is truly fearsome, isn't it?" Orochimaru looked at the bleeding figure of Minato gleefully.

The Kotoamatsukami, the powerful Doujutsu of Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan. It had the ability to control anyones mind with a extremely powerful Genjutsu.

Orochimaru had used the Kotoamatsukami on Itachi and made him his loyal servant. Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh gleefully at that. Not only did he have a powerful Uchiha as a vessel, he even got himself Itachi as his subordinate. His luck was truly too great.

"Orochimaru, are you done with your job?" The other hooded figure spoke.

"Yes... But can you keep the body of Minato for me. He will be quite useful for my new experiment."

Without any reply, the hooded formed a vortex which sucked in Minato.

"You... what the hell do you want?" Kushina asked with tears brimming with both anger and sadness.

"The downfall of Konoha." As he said that he suddenly grasped Kushina's gut

Within the hood an ominous red eye blazed, "Kyuubi! Come out and destroy Konoha."


Dark red chakra bubbled out of Kushina's gut. After the chakra was fully released, a giant nine talied fox appeared releasing massive amount of malice and hatred.

The hooded figure looked at the barely alive Kushina, "As expected of an Uzumaki, your vitality is impressive. It's only natural you die by the hands of someone you have jailed for so long."

Just as he was about to order Kyuubi to deal with her, Orochimaru stopped him.

"Let her be... I wish to she if she can survive. Even if she survives the only thing waiting for her is despair. Kukukuku..."

The hooded figure paused and agreed with the snake.

"Very well then. Now we move on to Konoha."

A disaster was awaiting Konoha as the Kyuubi was unleashed free from the shackles it was bound to.