
Konoha... one of the strongest hidden village was now filled with destruction.

Many people were now dead or gravely injured due to the Kyuubi's attack. The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen was mudered in the midst of the Kyuubi attack. The culprit was none other than Orochimaru and many other key persons of Konoha was killed by the traitorous snake.

Danzo was killed along with all of his Root Anbu as well. Many turmoil had occurred and Konoha was just the shadow of its former self.

Only few ninjas were left standing as they too were on the verge of death as Kyuubi still hadn't stopped. No one had the power or capacity to stop it. Fourth Hokage had not come to their rescue... they had kept believing that he would come but now their hope was totally lost.

But a miracle had occurred... Haruno Akira, the fiancé of the Hokage's daughter Namikaze Uzumaki Naruko arrived saving them from the attack of the Kyuubi.

He showed unparalleled strength and sent the Kyuubi flying away from the village.

This action itself had made Haruno Akira revered as a Hero. The whole village had been the witness to that incredible feat.

Naruko, Hinata, Anko and Mikoto too had witnessed the action of Haruno Akira. They were first terrified when Kyuubi had attacked Akira.

But after witnessing the strength he showed they had shed the tears of joy and happiness and was eagerly awaiting for Akira's heroic return.

The happiness didn't last as despair seeped into the heart of all the people in the village.

The sky was filled with meteors as they were falling towards the village at incredible speed.

"Is this the end?"

"I don't want to die!"

"Mommy! I am scared!"

All kinds of people old and young started to fall in despair but suddenly a warm feeling blanketed all around them.

They looked at the source. It was Haruno Akira standing valiantly on top of the Hokage monument where the faces of the Hokage's were carved.

He was just a six years old child but he looked around ten because of his Sage Body.

He looked fearless and that look gave many people hope.

He had after all beat the Kyuubi out of the village, right?

Akira on other hand was furious.

He had wanted to chase that fucking OP bitch Madara but how could he call himself a man if he abandoned his girls?

He looked at the incoming meteors, 'Limit Break!'

With Limit Break activated, his hair became pure snow white and his whole body was crackling with white lightning.

"Sage Art - Spiral Bullet Bomb Barrage!!!"

It was his most destructive attack created from concepts of Tailed Beast Bomb and Spiral Wind Shuriken.

From his back countless Chakra Limbs appeared all pointing towards the sky with a miniature blue ball.

Though the attack looked small, it was actually extremely strong. Strong enough to destroy a village instantly. Because of the area of effect, he did mot dare use it early on.

But now he had no restrictions since he was aiming for the sky.

He fired his Jutsu and just upon the impact the meteors vanished. They were gone only leaving a flash of white light resulting from Akira's destructive attack.

All the people saw what had happened. They cried and laughed as they chanted his name.

The Konoha was saved but Akira knew this wasn't the end.

Mean while in a secret underground bunker, Madara was laughing with joy.

"Amazing! Absolutely amazing! To think he had such a trump card. If he had used it then I might have been defeated."

"Yes... but it seems to have quite a side effect as we saw he was severely weakened." Orochimaru too was gleeful at the power Akira showed.

Just as they were thinking about the powerful child they were interrupted, "Madara-sama, I have something that might interest you."

The one who interrupted them was Uchiha Fugaku, the previous husband of Uchiha Mikoto and father of Uchiha Itachi.

"What is it?" Madara said not giving too much attention.

Fugaku then brought out a child. A child with sun kissed blonde hair and three whisker marks on each side of his cheek.

"A newborn baby?" Madara frowned but suddenly widened her eyes.

"Hahaha... excellent Fugaku. This child is an Uzumaki it seems and also the child of that Fourth Hokage. He will make an excellent Jinchuuriki." Fugaku bowed and left with the child.

"This world... it belongs to the Uchiha clan..." Madara whispered to herself.

As she looked towards the room where many people were training. The people were the Uchiha clan who had faked the Uchiha massacre in Konoha.

The Uchiha's were never massacred at all.