To all the Nekoshou, Haruno Akira was akin to God to them. His presence itself practically gave them comfort and safety as they were extremely sensitive to nature. Akira having completely mastered Sage Mode was practically a highly addictive drug to them.
Any Yokai of opposite sex who was versed in Senjutsu was prone to get attracted to him but Nekoshou was practically in the next level. It was precisely because of this Nekoshou had become his devout and loyal follower.
Kuroka like any other Nekoshou was no exception as the first sight of him brought out her natural instinct to please him causing her to call him 'Beloved Master'. It was in their genes to love and admire him.
Kuroka had basically tasted the forbidden fruit passing out with happy and europhic feeling. She now knew why the powerful Nekoshou had such love and devotion for him.
She was now the same as Kurohime, a devout and loyal Nekoshou to her Beloved Master and she trusted him completely to bring her little sister back to her safely.
Now she just had to wait for him to come back and also wake up from her unconscious state.
The kiss was too much for her to handle.
Shirone was extremely scared. She had never felt such fear in her life. Her sister had always been with her comforting her everytime something bad happened.
But now she wasn't here. And she was the cause of this.
She cried praying for help from her sister but she didn't answer her call.
She was caged inside trapped like a wild animal. She was being spat upon by many passerby Devils shouting out many mean words.
She hadn't done anything at all but she was being punished for something she didn't do.
'Why did Nee-san do that?' Shirone kept repeating that in her mind like a broken record.
While she was caged, she found out that she was going to get executed.
Currently, she was being forcefully dragged towards a platform. There was a Devil holding a equally giant halberd. She already guessed what that was for.
She had already given up hope.
Her sister wasn't there. She had betrayed her and left her alone.
Thousands of Devils had come to watch the execution of the little Nekoshou. This was their source of enjoyment.
Among the thousands of Devils, the four great Satans were there as well with the noble clans of Devils which consisted of pure-blooded Devils as well.
The four Satans did not like putting such an innocent being in such a state but they had to until they could give proper explanation to the public before saving the liitle Nekoshou. For now, they couldn't do anything to help her out.
The Devils all around the platform screamed for the death of the innocent little Nekoshou but suddenly a huge pressure blanketed them. The Devil with the halberd practically collapsed unable to handle it.
There was pin drop silence as the pressure... no the killing intent pressured them making them choke unable to breathe properly.
Only few of the strongest Devil were not affected by it.
Sirzechs Lucifer, being the Satan and also the leader of the Devils dissapated the pressure and looked down at the person who was the cause of it.
"Who are you? And what do you want?" Sirzechs spoke with authority beffiting of a King but the person in question didn't bother with him.
The person in question was a pink haired boy and he spoke to the little Nekoshou with warmth in his voice, "You are safe now."
With that the little Nekoshou vanished from there leaving only the pink haired boy.
"Now then... I think it's time I show you Devils what happens when you mess with my family. The Nekoshou Faction."
It was the rise of a new faction.
A faction which will be causing many changes in the future.