Thoughts Part Angels

The Fallen Angels has regarded Haruno Akira with caution as they waited to make their move until the duel between him and Sirzechs concluded.

In the heaven, the dwelling place of Angels they too had held their meeting to discuss the anomaly called Haruno Akira. They had two of their best exorcist with them who had reincarnated as an Angel with the similar system of Evil Pieces known as Brave Saints.

The only difference was while Evil Pieces used the chess as their base system, Brave Saints followed the base system of playing cards.

The two reincarnated Angels were Gesualdo Dulio and Quarta Griselda.

They had been called to this meeting to help them understand the anomaly known as Haruno Akira as they both were human like he was.

"So... what do you think of this matter we currently have on our hands?" Michael asked as he was one of the Great Seraph and also the leader of the heaven.

As every Angel's feature, he had a handsome face with long blonde hair.

"Michael, I think we should treat him like the threat he is. He has no record on the Book of Living which only further proves that he is similar to that 'guy'." Uriel also another Great Seraph grunted out his response.

"I do not agree brother Uriel, did you not see his moves. He was a ninja I swear. That means he's a friend like 'him'." Metatron exclaimed in righteous tone.

All of the present Angels face palmed as they knew Metatron obsession with ninjas.

"Ignoring that fact, I do believe he is similar to that 'guy' even more so if he really is a ninja. That 'guy' did say he was a ninja as well didn't he?" Raphael said.

As all the Angels except for Dulio and Griselda were Seraphs, their words held certain power to them.

"Yes... and the fact that their Senjutsu is quite similar as well."

"Umm... I do not think they are quite similar. While 'he' is someone who doesn't like sinful acts, Haruno Akira feels opposite even with his calm Senjutsu. It feels like he revels in lust and passion." The only female Great Seraph, Gabriel timidly spoke out.

"I do think Lady Gabriel is correct. It seems as if he thinks lust is an act of virtue instead of sin." Dulio the trump card of Heaven gave his thoughts.

"Indeed... such dispecable act and even asking for Devil women as compensation... disgusting." Griselda said with disgust in her tone.

"Sigh... so how should we treat him as? Neutral, friendly or a threat?" Michael asked for advice.

Everyone except Gabriel and Metatron voted for threat. Everyone had an inkling to why Metatron thought the anomaly was a friendly. But Gabriel?

"Sister Gabriel, why do you think of him as friendly?" Uriel asked curiously.

"Because while he might revel in sinful act, there is still the fact that he barged in the territory of the Devils which was incredibly dangerous just to save an innocent little Nekoshou." Gabriel said with steel in her tone.

All the Angels present were shocked hearing the normally timid Gabriel speak like that, even more when she spoke on behalf of such a sinful being.

After that Gabriel got up and left.

She had every right to do so. She was the Angel of compassion and love.

What she felt from Haruno Akira, the others had no idea but she knew while he was a sinful being, he was also the most compassionate being in the world just like 'him'.

Maybe they were related, she thought.