
I folded my arms across my chest as all the people with the exception of my family looked at me as if I was the most evil being in the world. I could try to justify myself but in the end it would be meaningless since Zekram was speaking the truth and Naruto could sense negative emotions to see if he was telling the truth or not.

"You know... I have already won the duel so I want my compensation." I stated but Naruto unleashed his power and tried to pressure me. I mean tried, meaning that it didn't do much.

He might be strong but in term of skills and abilities, I am far more superior.

How do I know this? Well... the reason is that his Sage Mode while extremely overpowered is not superior to my Sage Mode.

He could not grasp the aspects of elements like I could.

That itself told the fact that I was the superior Sage.

"You are not going to get anything, Akira. You call yourself the Child Of Prophecy but instead you fall to this kind of level... just to get women to toy around as you please." Naruto grounded out which was exactly as I planned.

I mean who doesn't like playing with women on the bed. Man... this Naruto is a hypocrite.

"Sigh... so I used Genjutsu on them and made them bet two of the most sexy and beautiful women as compensation but how can you not see that they were trying to kill the Nekoshou?" As I said that all the Nekoshou came to me and angrily hissed at Naruto.

Naruto seemed surprised at that and he said something that made my blood boil, "You are just using them, aren't you? Don't deny it."

Naruto glared at me and I did the same.

Deep inside my heart I knew I was using them but... I also considered them my family.

"So what if he is using us? We are happy to be of use to him and it's not like we are unhappy. Rather we are more happier than ever. We would rather die than think of abandoning him." One of my precious Nekoshou spoke out.

Every Nekoshou silently looked at me with their undying loyalty telling me they would follow me till the ends of earth.

They really...

Oh shit! I got something in my eyes... it's just dust... so I am not crying alright?

"Listen you girls need to stay away from hi-" Blue flames was fired at Naruto which he blocked it with his Chakra Cloak. He looked at the perpetrator and it was Kurohime.

"Do not say anything further. We will follow him until we die." She stated with conviction.

This motherfucker is really starting to piss me off.




"Oi! I am giving you last chance either follow the rules and give me the compensation or I will go to war but not with Devils. I will go to war with the Kyoto Yokai Faction. That's the faction you belong to, right?" I said as I got the information about him from Kuroka just now telepathically.

"Akira... even if you go on the war with the Kyoto Yokai Faction, it will be useless because if you attack them you will be going against all of us." Michael said as Azazel too came supporting him. The Devils would naturally ally with them as well since they hate me, of course.

"So what will you do?" Naruto asked in confidence as I was seemingly backed into the corner but I laughed.

I laughed maniacally, "You dumb piece of shits!"

I was laughing but it was out of anger. The veins in my forehead was showing as my anger had practically peaked even with my Gamer Mind.

"This is war then. You think I am scared of you all? Not in a million years. You are going to regret this, fuck face." They looked dumbfounded at my declaration.

"You would willingly sacrifice your so called family?" Azazel asked.

Me? I gave a dry laughter, "Whoever said that they will be participating? The war is me against you all."

With that final say, I snapped my fingers teleporting out of there.

I will show them what happens when you cockblock someone and try to steal their girls...