After my long session with all my Nekoshou due to the energetic Libido-kun getting too excited.

Me, Kurohime, Kuroka and Shirone headed towards Kyoto to meet the leader of their Yokai Faction.

Unfortunately, Gabriel and Griselda couldn't come as they looked after the stupid- I mean the lost lambs of the church.

We finally reached the place and I could see all the Yokai there filled with fear and also lust.

That has got to be the weirdest thing I have seen in my life. Lusting after someone you are scared of... maybe not.

I have after all lusted towards my strict and busty teacher in my previous life. And I was extremely scared of her as she always broke her ruler when she was angry.

Just imagining my penis instead of that ruler made me shiver in fear.

Anyways, we slowly made our way through the corridor of the huge palace, that was the headquarter of the Faction.

I wasn't really worried about this being a trap since I was already OP enough to beat the crap out of all these guys.

As we finally reached the room, I saw Yasaka the beautiful voluptuous woman in all her glory but it didn't last long enough because Naruto was there as well.

I glared at Naruto as I got straight to the point, "What the fuck is this dickhead doing over here? I thought it was going to be our private time."

"Why you basta-"


Naruto was smacked by Yasaka's tail before he could finish his sentence.

Ouch! That had got to hurt.

"Naruto~ SHUT UP!" Yasaka threatened him as he kept his mouth shut.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Akira-dono. But still looking at you like this, it seems the information about you being small was exaggerated." Yasaka said with a glint in her eyes.

"Well... I don't know about small but maybe we should find out." I said as I looked at her voluptuous body.

"Oh you!" She said giggling while covering her mouth with her kimono's sleeve.

Naruto meanwhile growled in frustration. I was feeling quite guilty because stealing others wife was a no go for me. Stealing girlfriend or lover was fine but... wife moreover with children? Damn! It felt like my heart was sinking in a quicksand.

I sighed as I looked over at the foxy lady in front of me. She was so amazing and now I won't be able to get her. It just brought bad things in my conscience.

I want to NTR the fuck out of Yasaka but at the same time I felt some kind of sinking feeling inside of me.

"Is something the matter Akira-dono?" Yasaka asked me with worried look on her elegant face.

"Why the hell are you doing this?" I asked tiredly.

"Huh!?" She gave a confused look.

"You have a husband. And from what I know about him, he's probably a great husband then why the hell are you doing this to HIM?" I said passionately.

It felt like I was the one getting NTR'd here. I wasn't even the one making the move here. If it were me doing the stealing then I guess it would have brought me some closure but it was herself that came to me.

A wife wanting to cheat on her husband and that too in front of him.

I feel like I have been used or something.

"This... it is not that I don't love him anymore. It's because of his foolishness that I am doing this. He interfered in the affair of you and the Devils which brought hostility in our Faction. I just wanted to give myself to you to appease you." She said politely but I could see tears in her eyes.

Dammit! What do I do? I want Naruto to suffer for being a smartass but not like this. My heart won't be able to withstand it. I have a Gamer Mind for fucks sake, not a Gamer Heart.

My heart is too fragile!!!

"Grr... how dare you make her cry!" Naruto growled at me.

"What the hell! This is all your fault. If you weren't so stupid then this might have been avoided." I growled back at him.

"That... well..." He shuttered as he flinched back knowing that he had messed up.

"You know what? Why don't we settle this the old fashioned way? I win, I not only get your wife. I will take away your daughter as well. She should prove to be quite a beauty in the future." His eyes were demonic red as he glared at me.

"And if you lose?" Naruto asked with anger.

"Then... I won't NTR the fuck out of Yasaka." I said as it was a win-win situation for me. If I win this then I probably won't feel guilty about it since... well... we agreed to this right?

"FINE! I will beat the crap out of you daytebayo." He said with intense fire in his eyes.

Lets see who's Sage Mode is better, shall we?

Oroborous or Six Path... who will prevail?

But still... maybe I should have just NTR'd him...