Dark Forces

While Akira was busy with his gifts that he had got from his Nekoshou, there was sinister forces lurking from the shadows. It was far more sinister than Akira could have imagined.

"It seems my hypothesis on there being another world was correct. That Naruto and this new guy Haruno Akira, they seem to be from the same world. Ah! It seems my utopia will really be a reality soon. Uhyahyahyahyahya~!" A long silvered haired man with beard spoke in delight.

He was none other than Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the current leader of both Old Satan Faction and Khaos Brigade. He was also the son of the original Lucifer.

"Rizevim-sama, the Sephiroth Grail has been obtained. We are now ready to revive the Evil Dragons." The speaker was a young handsome looking man appearing in his early twenties with silver hair that is tied in a braided hairstyle. He was Lucifuge Euclid, the brother of Grafiya who had been presumed dead.

"Uhyahyahya~ Nice job Euclid-kun. With this we are one step closer to our goal. We just need to unseal Trihexa then we can go to the other world and wreak havoc and destruction." Rizevim said happily.

The Sephiroth Grail had the ability to make contact with the principle of life, where the possessor is being forcefully told about how the life and soul is made. The possessor also takes in the mind and the concept of the dead, the living, and various other things as they use the Holy Grail which would result in the possessor being broken by the abundance of thoughts that enters their heart and soul when overusing the Sephiroth Grail.

But Rizevim being the mastermind with superior intellect had already removed those flaws.

"Rizevim-sama... what about those anomalies? What if they get in our way? Especially that Haruno Akira. He is an enigma as far as we know." Euclid said in monotone.

"Nononono... my dear Euclid-kun, it's because he is an enigma that we have an advantage. Each and every factions are wary of him. And we can certainly take advantage of that. Even if they are merely canon fodder to him, it can at least buy us some time. And it seems that somehow that Naruto brat has become his loyal vassal. Quite intriguing." Rizevim chided him wiggling his finger.

"So what do we do now, Rizevim-sama?"

"Now... we bid our time and gather our army. We are going to mass produce all the Evil Dragon and prepare for our journey to the other world. With Trihexa unsealed, we will commence on invading the other world. Uhyahyahya~!" Rizevim clapped his hands in delight.

"But how do we go the other world?" Euclid questioned.

"Oh you silly boy. We already have the means. The key is to get Haruno Akira and we have the perfect bait for him." Rizevim said with evil grin looking at the dark corridors.

Deep in the dark dungeons was a giant ominous creature with bizarre features such as the upper body of a Fallen Angel (albeit with fangs in his mouth) and the lower body of an Asian Dragon. It was crucified on a large cross with nails driven into various part of his body (arms, tail, wings, etc.) as well as several other restraints that had ancient letters written on them. His eyes were also covered with a blindfold that had tears of blood dripping from underneath it.

It was Samael, the Dragon Eater. But it was not the only thing there.

Just strapped in complicated contraption was Ophis in her loli form. She was severely weakened by the Dragon Eater's blood which was basically poison to all dragons and most of all her power was being siphoned off.

Her state happened so suddenly even she was confused at that. She wanted to disband the group she created but she clearly underestimated them as they had a trump card with them as they restrained her making her a mere tool for their goal.

'Akira.... Help... me...' Ophis tried communicating to her mate since they were connected telepathically due to the mark she had given but Rizevim clearly already had precaution as he sealed the dungeon with heavy barrier.

It was a coming of the storms.

The future was shrouded with darkness as dark forces continues growing.