In the Beginning X Mission (II)

"Greetings Hui Lan, long time no see."

Hui Lan was lost of words. Who was she?

The lady in the white dress did not wait any longer and made a small gesture in the air. Right after the gestures were made, Hui Lan who had been sitting on the driver's seat was now floating above her seat. Her skin began turning translucent and she could see through her arms, her hands to her fingers.

Hui Lan became nervous for the first time in her life. She looked up at the strange lady puzzledly. Was she seeing ghosts now? Behind the lady, the moon was also oddly huge. It did not help to see the full moon behind this strange lady at all.

Just as she thought things were weird enough, her body was then pulled through, not even out the door, but through the car. She shut her eyes tightly ready for impact, but there was none. Only a gentle touch gushed passed her face.

When she opened her eyes, her body was being pulled in the air and towards the lady in white. Hui Lan shut her eyes tightly thinking that she would be eaten or crash into this lady, but when nothing happened, she reopened her eyes.

However, she slightly regretted opening them for she was now standing in front of this strange lady who had purple eyes? What kind of contact lens did this lady use to have such purple natural-looking eyes...

...Nevertheless, what does this person even want from her? And what was happening to her…

The lady in the white dress spoke again when she finally saw Hui Lan quiet, "Come, we don't have much time." She then turned around and began walking away. The lady did not even care to check whether or not Hui Lan was following her.

"Wait!" Hui Lan cried in alarm.

Then, from behind, the sounds of vehicles stopping could be heard. Hui Lan turned around to find those pursuers coming out from there SUVs as a normal person would out of the door, but none took notice of her standing in front of her car.

They went to knock on her black mirrors, but there was no answer. They all looked at each other puzzledly, before one took the initiative to break her window open.

...How dare he!

However, the men were all startled and the guy who had broken her window shouted agitatedly, "She's not in here! That Xuan girl!"

Hui Lan had pushed the lady in white at the back of her head and was looking at the man in black intently who had the nerve to hurt her baby. She crossed her hands over each other and her tongue was pushing her cheeks agitatedly.

...Very daring indeed, probably never had a teaching before ay...

Without hesitation, she threw herself towards the man that had broken her window and flipped him over. Unlike how she worried that her hands would slit through this guy's body like air, she was able to flip him over.

On the other hand, nobody could see her, nor could they see the source for causing their friend to flip over and fall on his back. They all grew alert and were shouting at each other.

"What the heck is happening?"

"Is it that Xuan girl's doing? Do the Xuan group possess some sort of black magic?"

The lady in white who had been walking in front turned around to look at the commotion caused by that young lady.

...Tut tut, what a hot-blooded young lady. I thought Xiao Bai said that she was calm and quiet? How come she was also like this? Well, guess it's in the bloodline...this hot bloodedness reminded her of that young lady she once was…

However, there was not much time left...the lady in the white dress took a brief look towards the moon before looking back at Hui Lan…

"That should be enough for now." The lady spoke from behind Hui Lan, but there was no response from Hui Lan who was prepared to launch another attack.


The strange lady then made a quick swirling gesture towards Hui Lan's body, then as if there was a rope tied around Hui Lan's body, she was pulled from behind as if gravity was momentarily not working.

Despite how much Hui Lan tried to struggle free, nothing worked. All she could do was look at the group of her pursuers growing smaller and smaller.

"Where are you taking me!?" Hui Lan's voice called out to the lady behind her.

But there was no response.

She tried again, "Why are you doing this?"

Still, there was no response.

Hui Lan tried again and again until she tiredly gave up in the end.

...Such a way to treat someone you've just met…

Time past and Hui Lan could no longer see the town that she had been staying in as it all began to slowly fade away. She was beginning to think that this would go on forever until they came to an abrupt stop.

Hui Lan was then placed onto the ground gently. The professor looked at her surroundings that almost had nothing left. It was as if she was not earth anymore. The scenery was faded into almost a white piece of paper and everything had lost its colour.

...Perhaps, did she die?

Just then the lady in white turned around to face her. Unlike how snowy white the lady in front had looked, Hui Lan could see a few bruises and claw scratches on the lady's skin.

...Wondered what happened to her?

"Well?" Hui Lan took the initiative to speak first as she could see the hesitation in the lady's eyes.

"I'm sorry Hui Lan, I did not think it would be you, it is too soon." The lady in white showed deep concerns towards Hui Lan through those purple pair of eyes.

"What do you mean?" Hui Lan became even more puzzled.

"Do you remember the story your mother told you when you were little?"

Hui Lan took a brief moment to think back and could remember this one story her mother would tell her over and over again, "The snowy kingdom? That story?"

The lady in white nodded and introduced herself shortly, "I'm Yue Lin."

"No way," Hui Lan gasped.

"It might be hard to believe, but what your mother had told you were all true." Yue Lin tilted her head slightly, "It seems your memories have been sealed, you don't remember anything at all, like Hun and Yue?"

Hui Lan was speechless and puzzled at the same time. Was it not supposed to be just a fairytale and not something that really happened? If this person was the Yue Lin, then she was the Ice queen in the story. Nevertheless, why was she meeting with the Ice Queen? Also, who were the names that she spoke of, Hun and Yue? "I hate to ask you this, but what does all of this have to do with me?"

Yue Lin's lips hooked up slightly with Hui Lan's question, and replied, "It has everything to do with you from now onwards…"

"What?" Hui Lan did not understand where this was going to.

Suddenly, the ground that did not look like a ground began to shake like a terrible earthquake. Immediately, Yue Lin casted a crystal-like ball covering Hui Lan and her together from the earthquake. Her hands were swirling in circles as she tried to keep her protection together.

Yue Lin's eyes became concerned and her lips were pursed tightly. She spoke in the end, "You must leave now."

Hui Lan agreed on that comment, "Yes, I really must leave. I'll have to tell my family about those men that tried to capture me and…"

"No, Hui Lan, not there."


"You'll not be going there."

"Excuse me?"

Yue Lin frowned slightly as she tried to concentrate on two things at the same time, "Hui Lan, what you are about to experience will most likely determine the fall or the beginning of our bloodline?"

"Our bloodline? Do you mean to say that we are related? But how?"

"Yes, we are. My blood runs through your mother and through you, but sadly, we are all punished by the heavens and you must take this mission and finish it. I wished we had more time..." Yue Lin paused and looked down at her wrist before taking a white moonlike jade bracelet off and threw it to Hui Lan, "Take this!"

When she saw Hui Lan catching her bracelet, she let out a small smile, but only briefly for the next moment her frown returned as she struggled to keep the protection barrier together, "I'll send you help Hui Lan, but our time ends here."

"Wait! What mission?"

Just as Hui Lan asked, the crystal-like ball began to have cracks all over it, "Do not worry, the heavens will guide you, just try to survive so your life may be saved in both worlds. Farewell, Hui Lan…"

Then, the ball broke open and all of a sudden, Hui Lan's body began falling down in a pitless hole that was not there before. Her eyes tried looking for somewhere to hold onto, but the ground was too far away. She looked at Yue Lin for help, but the Ice queen could only watch with sad eyes. Only then, Hui Lan could see chains being tied onto the Ice queen's arms and legs.

...What happened to her?

Subsequently, a big gush of wind blew past Yue Lin and she began fading away as well as the surroundings.

"No!" Hui Lan cried in worry despite not knowing this person.

All that she saw last of the Ice queen was her gentle smile before the Ice queen was no longer there. All that was left was the white clouds blowing from above.

Now, she was completely alone, still plunging down in this dark hole.

As the darkness engulfed her, helplessness began to grow in her heart. What was to happen from now onwards? Hui Lan tiredly closed her eyes.

But the next moment, her eyes popped open again. She somehow immediately gasped for some air as if she could not breathe. However, all she smelt was ashes and smoke which all burned her nose and throat.

As Hui Lan looked around, a fury pit of fire was burning everywhere and she could hardly see through al the flames.

Was this hell?