Consumed by Fire (II)

The palace of Xin Li seemed peaceful from the outside and the four kingdoms have never been so peaceful for this long.

Nevertheless, the borderlines of the four Kingdoms were all on guard. In the past, the four kingdoms; Xin Li, Mu He, Sha Yin, and Fu Ke were all a part of the Great Kingdom of Da Ning. However, when the late Emperor of Xin Li took over the throne, he cut all ties with the three Kingdoms around. Along with his officials, they were all united in conquering the rest of the kingdoms for they considered highly that the entire Ning Kingdom belonged to them.

Back at the time, the grand Emperor had appointed the grand eldest prince of Da Ning was granted Xin Li's territory to take care of while the second, third and fourth prince was granted the following kingdoms; Fu Ke, Mu He, and Sha Yin. Xin Li. Since then the four Kingdoms were living in peace together while trading and taking care of each other as one big Kingdom.

There was also a group of scholars appointed in different Kingdoms to bring guidance to the people and Emperor. These scholars were called the Rui Ren and those that were apart of this group were all of the Rui descendants. All could be accounted for the four kingdom's good relations between one another. They were especially the group that did not want wealth or fame, but to live simply.

However, as time past, the bond between the four kingdoms had also grown apart. Also, as the Kingdoms that grew apart, the Rui Ren had also moved more into the darkness and became distant in people's memories.

Xin Li's late Emperor had driven all the Rui Ren out of the palace and was to not be mentioned within the palace walls. Since then, no one knew what had happened to the Rui Ren of Xin Li and no one dared to bring it up. Only a few whispers in the dark that still spoke of them; of their wisdom, their goodness, their master in the different arts and more.

Above all of this, 3 long months had passed.

It was on this third month that big news was announced to the palace walls.

"Congratulations Taihou, the Empress is pregnant!" A young and handsome royal physician reported the news with a gentle smile.

"Ah San, are you speaking the truth?" The Empress Dowager looked at the sleeping Empress. Empress Shen had fainted when they were drinking a cup of tea together. She had immediately sent the Empress to Kunning palace and asked the royal physician to check on her. Meanwhile, Su Rong was sitting beside the bed and wiping off the dust from Hui Lan's face silently.

"Yes Tai Hou, she is 3 months pregnant."

Hearing his confirmation, Empress Dowager Xin's heaved a sigh of relief. As the days had gone by, she had been tolerating her son's sly little lover. Now, with the young prince in the Empress' belly, there would not be too much commotion in this palace for the time being.

"Then, this physician will leave to prescribe some medicines to help with the Empress' pregnancy." The young Royal Physician stood up and bowed towards the Empress Dowager.

"Ah San…"

"Yes, Taihou, please call me physician Jin." The physician spoke without standing up. There were still others in this room, and he did not want outsiders to hear of this.

"Aya, are you also going to trouble aijia's heart like my good son, hm?" The Empress Dowager could not help but speak with a slight blame in her voice.

Suddenly, the doors to Kunning palace opened out of the blue, "Your good son is here, mother." The voice had come before the owner of it.

A young man in his late twenties walked inside proudly. He was dressed in silky black robes that were just as black as his long silky hair that was let loose on his back. It was none other than the person who had been mentioned by the Empress Dowager.

Behind him was a slender figure in a light peachy dress. Her eyes were as bright as the moon and her cheeks were flushing a peachy colour just like her dress. She looked just the same as to when she entered the palace, as innocent as a dear. Mei Fang stood meekly behind the emperor with her head held low.

The Empress Dowager looked at her illegitimate daughter-in-law with a deep stare.

...If that heart of this young lady was just as innocent as her looks would be good…

The Emperor did not mind the two females in the room, but instead, he turned to talk to the royal physician on the side, "Third Prince? You were called here?"

"Bixie, I am no longer the third prince, please, call me physician Jin." Physician Jin's head was still laid low in a bow.

Physician Jin or Shen Fu Jin was the third prince of Xin Li, but only last year, he had asked for his title to be stripped off and pursue to be a physician outside. When this was brought up to the Emperor, Emperor Yang Long gladly accepted it. However, his beloved mother had requested, she requested that the third prince was to stay as a royal physician in the palace taking care of the royals.

This matter, all the royals all seemed to support likewise, everyone except the Emperor. Nevertheless, he merely agreed and would find fault later, only to find nothing from this third brother of his. So, Third prince Shen Fu Jin was physician Jin until today. Though he was a physician, his presence could be counted as a prince. With that heroic face and manners, truly a man of justice.

"Oh, Zhen keep forgetting that you stripped all your royal title, but still, a royal is still a royal, don't you think?" Emperor Yang Long smiled leisurely at his half brother of the same father. Part of it was slightly true, for there was still royal blood running through those veins. If something were to happen to him, then all the princes including this third brother of his would get the chance to be selected. All of this, he could only wonder...was his brother that simple like he looked?

On the other hand, Physician Jin bowed his head even lower, "This physician dares to say that I take my words seriously." Clearly the indication was made that he was still a threat to this brother who was the Emperor of this Kingdom, but to him, he had no interest in this. Politics? War? Women? None of these was even in his line of interests, so what was the throne to him? A torture, just that. This brother of his was like the complete opposite to him, clearly, he was doing well on the throne, keeping things in order. This would probably his brother's talent.

Unlike what the third prince was thinking, Emperor Yang Long's husky voice uttered, "Oh? Do you?"

On the other hand, Physician Jin simply kept his head bowed low.

Losing his interest, Emperor Yang Long turned away from his half brother and towards the lady on the bed. No emotions were on those pair of cold eyes as he laid them on the still figure, "So, Zhen is to become a father?" His voice, however, showed no signs of wanting to be a father whatsoever.

Though the question was thrown out, no one replied.

Empress Dowager turned her sharp tigress eyes on the figure behind the Emperor. However, there were no changes in that expression of hers. Well, she did not expect much, this girl was that thick face.

Meanwhile, unlike how she looked like, Mei Fang's hands beneath her sleeves were pinching tightly on each other. So tightly that those beautiful nails of hers seeped into her smooth skin. Blood began surging out, some had even seeped through her clothes that she was wearing without knowing.

Physician Jin who had slowly stood up meekly on the side was alert with the smell of blood. Even just a tiny drop of blood, he would be able to detect it. His eyes quickly took a peek at the source of it and he could only stay quiet. Matters of the court and the royals were now none of his business.

However, he was not the only one who would pick up the scent blood fast, this older brother of his was also one too. Physician Jin took a small peek at his brother, only to see no changes in his brother's expression...he wondered why?

The Emperor was already focused on something else or someone else.

...So, she really became pregnant, ha!

Considering this fact, he could not help but be reminded of that first night of his with her. Very bold of her indeed. He took a few steps forward to see a better view of this person. How long was it since he had not seen this face?

Just like his third brother, he too was a man of his words, he had never stepped in this kunning palace, not even a step. This was the first and most likely his last to visit this place.

Seeing enough, he turned around to face the lady he had brought along with before turning to look at his mother, "Since Zhen is the one to become a father, why was it that Zhen was not informed first, but the Tai Hou was already here? What if something happens?" He spoke with disinterest in his tone but each word was spoken clearly with his deep voice.

If this was not saying that she was stepping out of her line, then she did now what else her son was clearly saying to her. Haha, stepping out of line? Were was any line created for any matters related about Empress Shen? If there was, then it would have been there since the beginning.

Nevertheless, without even blinking, the Empress Dowager replied with a surprised look that was acted out, "Oh? Aijia had sent Court Lady Lin to find bixie...maybe because of her old legs she was too late for bixie, but anyways, isn't bixie already here now?" The question was returned back smoothly to her son.

Emperor Yang Long could not help but let out a small laugh, "If it is like so, then that is also good. Reward the Empress with whatever you want, this son will not interfere."

Before the Emperor was about to walk past Physician Jin, the Physician bowed once before speaking up, "Bixie, if I might dare report this, the Empress is two months pregnant."

Though there was a subtle change in the Empress Dowager expression, it was undetected. Didn't Ah San say that the Empress was 3 months pregnant? Then, how come…?

"Oh?" Emperor Yang Long halted for a short moment before speaking again, "Let Taihou take care of her."

Then, with a swift, the Emperor took Mei Fang's small wrist and left Kunning palace without saying a word.

Once the pair were gone, Physician Jin could not help but close his eyes tiredly. He truly could not help himself this time. Though he did not care for the things that happened in this palace, he could not overlook it if it was about the patient's health.

He knew deep down what happens in this harem and how woman fought to the highest position with the price of the baby that they bore to the Emperor. His mother was the prawn that was brought to her death because of this. Back then, only he survived, but his mother, after she gave birth to him prematurely, she had lost so much blood that not even the greatest doctor could save her. After that, he had been raised by the Empress who was now the Empress Dowager and was also a good friend of his mother, but if the Empress Dowager was not his mother's friend, he wondered if he would survive for this long?

"Thank you." Empress Dowager spoke softly. Seeing expression the prince that she had raised up like her own son, she knew what he was feeling and was thinking. All she could say was a grateful word to him for stepping out from that line he had made for himself.

"This Physician will take my leave."

"Good, good." The Empress Dowager watched as Physician Jin walked out with a sad expression on her face. When will he ever know that she loved him just like he was her son, even if he was not born from her friend?

Another person who watched carefully but kept to her business was Su Rong. This physician didn't he say that Hui Lan was pregnant for 3 months? How come…?

Then a flash of thoughts went through her head. She too could not help but look down with a deep meaning in her eyes. This physician was truly intelligent. He had just made countermeasures for Hui Lan's pregnancy, if it was like so, then it would be many thanks for this physician.

On the other hand, Hui Lan who had been keeping her tears from falling down her eyes could no longer keep it in. A crystal tear flowed out from the corner of her eye. On the other hand, Su Rong who was close to Hui Lan quickly took the napkin and wiped it off subtly.

...Sigh, Hui Lan ah, until how long will you keep everything into yourself?

Yes, she was awake, but only a few minutes ago. However, those few minutes were so hard for her. She felt as if swords were stabbed in her heart over and over again…

...He...he was not excited at all...