Fumes before the Fire (IV)

"Lan-er, why do you not understand Zhen?" Emperor Yang Long's voice that was usually as fickle as kindlings that could be ignited at any moment was softer than any other time.

Meanwhile, it was the same scene from when Hui Lan was sitting in the pavilion alone yesterday night. However, this time, she was not alone.

Someone was pleading with his low soft voice beside her while tears were flowing down her beautiful black eyes.

Emperor Yang Long reached out his hand to wipe the tears away from the rims of her eyes.

However, Hui Lan her face brushed away, but those fair cheeks grew rosy within seconds.

"Lan-er, why do you ignore Zhen?" Emperor Yang Long's voice asked adorably.

On the other hand, Hui Lan still did not speak a word and was looking straightforward.

Seeing the beauty not responding, Emperor Yang Long reached out for her chin and brought it to face him. Hui Lan did not show any signs of refusing but kept her eyes lowered.

"Lan-er? Don't blame Zhen..."

Slowly he leaned closer and closer towards Hui Lan. When he was close enough, he gently placed his cold lips onto….

A loud sound of chicken crying in the early morning of the capital of Xin Li was heard in the surrounding areas.

Even the palace walls could hear the echo of chicken crying seeping pass through it.

Meanwhile, in Kunning Palace, Hui Lan had fallen asleep with her hand supporting her head on the tea table. On her lap, Xiao Mao was sleeping soundly like a baby owl.

The door to the tearoom opened and Su Rong walked in with a bowl of warm water for Hui Lan to refreshen.

It was around 5 am in the morning and Hui Lan was to be dressed up for when all the concubines would come over to greet her at around 7 am.

Over the years, although the Emperor's one and true love were Li Cai Ren, more concubines were brought in. No matter what position they were in, they were to greet the Empress of the inner court.

Before Su Rong could even close the door, Hui Lan exclaimed in her sleep, "You. Jerk. Meat. Emperor!" The bowl in Su Rong's hands shook inevitably. Immediately, she quickly shut the door in case anyone hears her Empress bad-mouthing the Emperor.

Xiao Mao who had been sleeping soundly instantly woke up with its small heart and head pounding terribly. Sadly, it was right on Hui Lan's lap and had received the full volume of Hui Lan's voice. Even more, it's face was somehow wet from nowhere.

Hui Lan, on the other hand, slowly began to open her eyes. She had to blink a few times to adjust her eyesight. On her face, there were a few traces of watery lines that seemed to look like teardrops.

However, when she was completely awoken, her hands were clenched into fists.

How on earth did that guy get in her head!? Even dreaming about it!!! Even in her dream, he was demanding this and that. He even took advantage of her!

"Hui Lan, Hui Lannnn, what are you even thinking!?" Hui Lan felt truly at a loss.

"Niang Niang, are you...alright…?" Su Rong slowly walked up towards Hui Lan who had just got up.

"Right, what was even that miss??" It was Xiao Mao's youthful voice that rang in Hui Lan's head.

Hui Lan looked at the little fella that was standing on her lap, "What about you, hm? Xiao Mao, why all of a sudden you've become all nice and cute?" She even gave a gentle scratch on Xiao Mao's neck.

"Well, my mother said that if someone did you a good favour for me, I should pay it back." Xiao Mao replied with the utmost respect in his voice.

Hui Lan smiled dryly at Xiao Mao before turning to look at Su Rong, "I'm alright, just a big bad dream. Su Rong ah," Hui Lan beckoned Su Rong to come and sit beside her.

From the experience yesterday night, Su Rong knew she would have to end up sitting there, so this time she followed suit.

After Su Rong sat down beside her, Hui Lan began asking, "Su Rong ah, if, just if, okay?"

"Okay?" Su Rong was slightly puzzled with Hui Lan's weird word choice.

"Nevermind that, but here listen, if you dream about someone kissing you, what does that mean, hm?" Hui Lan asked Su Rong with a very serious face.

On the other hand, Su Rong raised her hand to touch her chin as if thinking, "Hm, Niang Niang, does that mean Niang Niang loves that person so much and even thought of him in your dream?"

Hui Lan's face turned grave. Oh dear, she thought to herself.

Su Rong then realized what she said.

...If the person Hui Lan loves, isn't that…

"Niang Niang, the person that you are talking about, isn't it…"

Before Su Rong could even finish her words, her mouth was quickly covered by Hui Lan.

"It's not what you think! I was reading a novel yesterday and just wanted to ask about it. That's all! You know novels are people in the past's style."

Su Rong tilted her head, "But I thought you did not like those types of books. By the way, what is even 'style'?"

However, Hui Lan was already thinking about something else.

...This cannot happen. No! This must not happen. She must find a way to stop this from engulfing her. That medicine her mother told her about, she must go ask the Royal Physician for some herbs!

"Niang Niang!?" Su Rong called Hui Lan as she saw that her friend had become quiet.

"Oh? Su Rong, I need to meet the Royal Physician! Get me ready, I have to meet him, right now!" Hui Lan was about to get up when she was held down by Su Rong.

"Niang Niang, you can't go anywhere. All the concubines will be meeting you in two hours. You must get dressed immediately or you will be late."

On the other hand, Xiao Mao could only look back and forth between Hui Lan and Su Rong.

"What meeting?" Hui Lan asked curiously before it came to her mind, "Cancel it! Tell them I'm sick or still shocked from yesterday. I have something more important than that." This time Hui Lan did not let Su Rong get a hold of her and quickly stood up.

On the other hand, Xiao Mao had to quickly hop off for the ground he had been standing on was no longer there for him.

However, she could not go far and had to hold in place for her entire legs became numb.

...AH! This body, too weak. She'll have to ask for some herbs to save this body.

Hui Lan could not help but shake her head.

"Niang Nianggg, if you don't go, then those concubines won't show any respect ah." Su Rong tried persuading.

"Ooh? Su Rong ah, you have to think of my health first, no?" Hui Lan's voice grew a pitch higher.

"Niang Niang ah, you look…" Su Rong's voice trailed off.

"Perfectly fine…" It was Xiao Mao's little voice that finished Su Rong's sentence for her.

Hui Lan gave both Su Rong and Xiao Mao a big stare, "Bengong wishes to not meet them! Who will stop Bengong, hm?" Hui Lan brought out her ace card to them.

As if on time, her feet and leg showed some nerve feedback to her. So, without waiting, she quickly headed towards the door, only to stop in the middle of the room.

She turned around and smiled helplessly, "Where's the Royal Physician at?"

To that, both Xiao Mao and Su Rong could not help but shake their heads.




Ping An Palace

Ping An Palace belonged to the eldest figure in the palace, Empress Dowager Xin. The time was currently around 6 am and it was the time when she would take her daily medicine by Royal Physician Jin.

Court Lady Han was making her way in swiftly from the door. The middle-aged lady looked like she was in a hurry to report something to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager elegantly turned to look at the person who was emerging, "What is it, Court Lady Han?"

"Greetings Tai Hou, greetings Third Prince."

"Hm, go on with it."

"Taihou, there is news from Kunning Palace."

"Kunning Palace? The Empress? What is wrong with her?"

"Empress Feng has just cancelled her early morning greetings Taihou."

"Oh?" One of the Empress Dowager's brows became raised up, "On what occasion?"

"The Empress says she is sick and wishes to not meet anyone."

"Hm, Aijia sees. You can go out now."

"Yes, Taihou."

After Court Lady Han left, the Empress Dowager turned to look at Royal Physician Jin, "Ah-San, after this can you go and check on the Empress for Aijia? She must still be shocked from yesterday."

However, before the Royal Physician could even say yes, Court Lady Han was back, "Taihou,"

"What is it again, hm?"

"The Empress requests to meet, Taihou."

"The Empress? Let her in."

"Yes, Taihou."

Meanwhile, Royal Physician Jin slightly lowered his eyes, and a complicated look was placed on his face.

...Sigh, he had been trying to avoid her, but it seems this time there was no way of getting away from it.




Royal Central Hall

All of the officials were dressed in the Royal navy blue official robes and were heading there way inside the Royal Central Hall to begin the morning government meeting with the Emperor.

The officials made their way in and stood in their representative positions. In the utmost front were the two princes of Xin Li followed by the two prime ministers, one on the right and one on the left.

The first prince, Shen Min Tian stood on the right while the second prince, Shen Kun stood on the left. Meanwhile, the left prime minister, Xie Xin Yi and the right prime minister Li Fu stood on their respective sides of the hall.

"Bixie arrives!"

At once, all the officials knelt down and greeted out loud, "Long live the Emperor! Greetings to the Bixie."

Emperor Yang Long waved his hands and beckoned his officials to get up, "Thank you, thank you. Please get up."

"Thank you, bixie!"

As all the officials got up from, Emperor Yang Long finally took his seat on the golden dragon throne.

With his normal aloof air, he spoke, "Now, let us begin shall we?"

It was the left prime minister who first began. The young prime minister cupped his hand together and spoke, "Bixie, the situation in the border has been peaceful since you have reigned, now we are in our seventh year, Chen believe it is the time for us to celebrate! Why not invite our neighbours to celebrate together before this year ends?"

Followed by the Second Prince's smile, "Chen Di, also believes that there should be a joyous event to celebrate this lucky year!"

Emperor Yang Long nodded thoughtfully, "Hm, that sounds like a very great idea left prime minister. Zhen," The Emperor's voice trailed off slightly before speaking, "First Prince? What do you think of this? Zhen feels like you will be the best person to take care of this celebration."

The first Prince, Shen Min Tian who had been quiet since the beginning, cupped his hands and replied, "Chen receives this task humbly."

The Emperor revealed a smile that did not reach his eyes, "Hm, that is very good. Zhen will await your good news."

"Yes, Bixie. Chen will give Bixie updates."

"Good good, now let's move onto the second topic shall we?"

This time, it was the right prime minister, Li Fu who stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Bixie, Chen has something to report."

"Oh? Right Prime Minister Li? What is it that you would like to tell Zhen?"

"Bixie, in truth, Li Cai Ren, Chen has just found out that her highness is Chen's daughter!"

To that, everyone gasped and some turned to whisper with the unexpected news. It has been a year since Li Cai Ren had entered the palace and since then they have not found anything about her highness' background.

"What?" Emperor Yang Long stood up in shock with the news, "Explain!"

"Forgive me, Bixie. Li Cai Ren was born from my second furen who had fallen sick. She has only recently recovered and when she came to visit the Empress Dowager the other day, she accidentally saw Li Cai Ren and found similarities with our lost daughter! Chen has done some investigation before coming to report to Bixie, Li Cai Ren is truly my daughter!"

Slowly, the Emperor raised up his hand to cover his mouth. It was as if he was truly shocked.

However, deep down, the Emperor, the left prime minister Xie Ye and the Second prince Shen Kun all knew how the Emperor truly felt. The two had been following the Emperor for many years, if they did not know when the Emperor was acting then they would not be suited to follow their leader.

...Wasn't all of this his plan in the beginning anyway?

Everyone in the hall was silent and no one uttered any words as they waited for what the Emperor had to say.

The first Prince, Shen Min Tian, on the other hand, stayed quiet and had a look of indifference to this news. Well, it was not unexpected of this brother of his.

"Then, if it is so, I believe a Cai Ren is not suitable for Mei Fang. Eunuch Wu, announce this to the palace and the entire Kingdom, Zhen appoints Li Cai Ren to be Li Gui Fei!"

"Yes, Bixie!" The order was input immediately and royal guards made their way outside the capital city as if they had been on stand by.

On the other hand, there were many mixed reactions. However, on the right prime minister's side, prime minister Li Fu bowed in thanks, "Thank you Bixie."

However, just then, Eunuch Wu came back once again to whisper some words to the Emperor. To that, Emperor Yang Long's brow became knitted.




Outside the palace walls, a great rumour took an entire swift among the citizens.

It was none other than the rumours of Empress Feng who came from the dead.

Words said that a great fire took over Kunning Palace yesterday night. However, because heavens took pity on the Empress and because of the little prince's death, the Phoenix rose from the dead! The Empress died because of the mistreatment of the Emperor and his beloved Li Cai Ren who wanted to take the Empress down.

The Great General Feng was busy in the borders, so the Empress was bullied. However, just by thinking of how the Great General Feng had saved and took care of the people, the citizens could not help but fume in fire for the General's family.

More and more words were spread and more criticisms were brought upon the Emperor and Li Cai Ren.

However, just as the words were at the hottest, a Royal announcement was about to be made...