Daughter’s Identity (IX)

Hui Lan was lying on the floor with her back towards the newcomers. However, immediately, Su Rong dashed inside to be beside her best friend.

Royal Physician Jin who saw Su Rong dash inside, quickly followed her and after seeing the state the Empress was in, he quickly went over.

Su Rong quickly knelt down to check on Hui Lan's condition without caring about the Royal Physician. She was about to reach for Hui Lan's hand when something was happening in front of her eyes.

...Hui Lan's hand that had red rashes all over them was now healing in front of her eyes.

The red rashes were all disappearing without a trace.

Royal Physician Jin came over just in time to see those red spots disappear and the Empress's hand returned to normal.


...The Empress' court lady Su had told him that the Empress had an allergic reaction as well. What he saw in front of his eyes must be the allergic reaction she had. However, how on earth did it disappear without leaving any traces.


...Dragon's blood.

Royal Physician Jin's eyes were laid on the red bottle that was sitting beside the Empress.

...Could it be?

"What do you think you're doing and not checking on my friend!?" Su Rong shouted in fury when she turned back to ask for help from this Physician, he was in a daze. How could he be in a daze in such a critical situation?

With Su Rong's voice, he quickly came out from his trace and his attention went back to the Empress. Immediately, he went around on the other side of Su Rong and pressed his two fingers on the Empress' wrist to listen to her pulse.

His keen doctor eyes became closed as he listened to the Empress' pulse.


After a few minutes, he finally opened his eyes.

Su Rong waited with a restless heart, "How is she?"

"Niang Niang is alright. She exerted too much energy which is why she fainted again, but something is wrong." Royal Physician spoke with an unsure feeling at the tip of his nose.

"What is wrong, Physician?" Su Rong's brows became slightly creased. What could be wrong?

"First, let's take Niang Niang away from the cold floor and I'll tell you more."

Su Rong did not protest and nodded, "En."

Then, both, on each side, slowly supported and lifted Hui Lan up from the floor. It was not a heavy job for them for Hui Lan, although unconscious, was not heavy at all. In no time, Hui Lan was placed gently on the bed that had been laid out since yesterday.

After Hui Lan was laid on the soft quilt, the Royal Physician got up again to fetch the small red bottle that was laying on the floor.

On the other hand, Su Rong was tucking Hui Lan underneath the blankets. Once she was done, she slowly turned to look at the Royal Physician Jin who was putting the lid on a small red bottle. After he finished, he finally got up and came back to sit on the other side of the Empress.

"Court lady Su, what is this, if I may ask?" Royal Physician Jin lifted the bottle in front of him.

Su Rong looked at the red bottle and slightly furrowed her brows, "This is the first time I'm seeing this. I also don't know what this bottle is. Is there something wrong?" Su Rong left all the bad feelings behind this Physician in face of her friend's safety and replied honestly.

"You've never seen this before?" The Royal Physician was slightly surprised by Su Rong's reply.

Shaking her head slowly, she confirmed, "No, I've never seen Hui...I mean Niang Niang bring this bottle out."

Physician Jin could not help but titled his head with the unexpected response. Nevertheless, he opened the lid and took a swift smell of the contents inside.

His eyes could not help but shook slightly when his brain finally broke down the ingredients inside. He listed the ingredients one by one in his head, before lowering the bottle down in awe.

...It was indeed the Dragon's blood.

...Because of the sweet smell of Peonies, the strong scent of the herbal ingredients inside the bottle was covered. However, if one would take a sniff closer and was a master in herbs like him, then it would not be hard for him to find out all the ingredients beneath the Peonies' scent.

The unbelief looked turned to the person lying down on the quilt in front of him.

...She really had the Dragon's blood.

Dragon's blood was not literally Dragon's blood but it was full of different kinds of herbs, but what was so special about this medicine was due to its healing remedies. It was said that with Dragon's blood, your body would as if become transformed into anew.

The herbs were not of such special herbs, but the method to purify and refine it was a unique kind of method. However, no one nor was there any news of anyone with such medicine in their hand had ever been heard in the entire capital city, except for the person in front of him.

"Does this medicine have something to do with Niang Niang?" Su Rong's voice brought the Physician Jin out of his thoughts.

He looked up from the red bottle in his hand and spoke, "She will be fine, no more than fine. I can just give some medicine to help her health return to normal."

"Ah? It's that good?" Su Rong thought back of when she saw how Hui Lan's rashes disappear as if they had never been there.

With a slight serious face, the Royal Physician nodded.

...This Dragon Blood...was it safe in her hands?

Since hearing that Hui Lan was fine, Su Rong brought up one last matter, "Ahem, also, don't tell anyone about Niang Niang's face..."

"Hm?" Physician Jin looked back down at Hui Lan's face and saw nothing was wrong. However, then he realized, there was supposedly something wrong with her face…He then turned to look at the lady that was sitting on the other side of the Empress.

In asking for a request, this young lady was more like ordering him to not tell anyone...Physician Jin's eyes became squinted as he looked at Su Rong with some contempt.

Su Rong rolled her eyes once before a dagger was already at Physician Jin's neck. Though he saw that dagger coming for his neck, he chose not to move.

Nevertheless, he was rather still in face of a cold sharp metal touching on his fragile skin.

"Try telling it and it will be the end of your physician life of yours."

"Hm? You don't fear even if I am of Royal Blood." Physician Jin tested. Though he did not really like mentioning that he was a Royal but who could escape from who you were born as. He could only choose who he will be, but that was enough.

To that Su Rong smirked dangerously yet attractively in Physician Jin's eyes, "So?"

In response, the Royal Physician revealed a dashing smile to her fierce smile, "You are one daring servant."

Su Rong annoyingly bit the tip of her lips. She wasn't really a servant ah, tch. Nevertheless, Su Rong brought the topic back to Hui Lan's protection, "Don't test my patience...Physician...Jin."

Although seeing the chilliness that was being excluded from Su Rong, he chose to push his stake even more, "If one word…"

Immediately, Su Rong did not hesitate to sink the dagger in the Physician Jin's throat ever so slightly. Before that fair skin on the Royal Physician's neck had no marks, a red line was formed, "If one word, you can expect me to find you with this dagger in your throat."

Instead of backing in fear, the Royal Physician revealed another smile, "How fierce you are, young lady…" He had changed from calling Su Rong into a young lady without realizing it himself. Nevertheless, he felt rather amused with such protectiveness coming from her.

...Sigh, there was no good use in talking with this Physician ah. Does he have problems in understanding other people ah?

Su Rong retrieved her sword back into its sheath as fast as she took it out in the beginning.

On the other hand, Physician Jin watched her silently.

...Hm, those moves...seemed very similar indeed. It was just that, he was not really sure...

Su Rong looked away from Physician Jin and spoke without looking at him, "If you have nothing to say Physician Jin, please leave."

"You're chasing me away?" Physician Jin smiled, "But what about Niang Niang?"

"You!?" Su Rong turned her vexed eyes at him. Hadn't he said Hui Lan was fine?

Seeing her reaction, Physician Jin revealed his white teeth as he smiled wider, "I shall give you the prescription and send Ah Bao to give you the medicine."

Su Rong crossed her arms and did not refuse such an idea, "Good, but you can put that bottle down before you leave."

Royal Physician Jin revealed an innocent look, "What bottle?"

"Don't take me as a fool and try to steal in front of my eyes, are you a doctor or a thief ah?" Su Rong raised her brows while asking such provoking words towards the Physician Jin.

Meanwhile, being caught red-handed, the Royal Physician's brows could not help but flinch slightly, "Ahem, who said...I was going to take this with me?" Slowly, Physician Jin lowered the red bottle in his hands and placed it on the floor.

...This yatou was really not easy to deal with ah. He'll have to pop by and ask the Empress again.

Unlike the few dashing smiles from before, what was only left on the Royal Physician's face was a dry smile, "I'll go now."

Su Rong's indifferent eyes gazed at the Royal Physician Jin quietly.

In no time, the Royal Physician was already making his way out.

...Sigh, the thing he had been finding his entire life was in front of his eyes, but he was unable to take it with him. It was so close, yet, so far…

After the Physician Jin was gone, Su Rong went around and picked up the red bottle. Although she did not know what it was, the Royal Physician seemed to consider it as important, so she was not going to let him take it away that easily.

Su Rong went around and placed the red bottle in the small drawer of the tea table.

...It'll have to wait until Hui Lan wakes up...whenever she wakes up...




In the small wood near Kunning Palace, a figure in black was laying on one of the big roots of a big tree.

As the wind blew, some dust brushed past his face that was covered with a black cloth.

However, it was enough to cause him to sneeze a big time.

The figure in black's back bent forward as he sneezed underneath the tree.

His eyes were still drowsy and it took him more than 5 minutes before he could finally bring himself together. He quickly shook his head to take away his drowsiness.

After becoming conscious, he sluggishly supported himself up from the ground. However, his legs were still sleepy which caused his steps to be lousy.

Nevertheless, due to his martial art skills, he quickly gained his balance back.

Finding where he was, he suddenly felt bad.

...What had happened? Yi Qin could not help but think to himself.

...Yesterday, he was in his own position nicely and watching as the Empress walked over to her mother when everything turned white. Then, there were no more memories of what happened next and how he landed on the ground…

...Nevertheless, no matter for what reason, it was not good.

Within a split second, Yi Qin who had been standing among the trees was gone.




In Qian Xing Palace's study room.

"Hm, there's a shadow guard in her palace? Why hasn't Zhen heard of that before?" Emperor Yang Long spoke while his hand and eyes were busy with writing down on his official papers.

However, no one could answer him even the two people that were with him.

Won stood beside him quietly as he was lost in his thoughts...and Yi Qin was kneeling quietly in front of the Emperor.

The Emperor did not think much of it and simply brushed it off, "Nevermind, Yi Qin, you can keep your distance from her. Just watch from afar, but if there is anything that looks suspicious, report immediately."

"Yes, Bixie."

"Hm, you can go back to your position."

"Yes, Bixie." Then, Yi Qin was gone. He had explained whatever he could remember to the Emperor, but why was it that he could not remember anything else ah? Nevertheless, he had to keep his guard higher around Kunning palace from now on...

After Yi Qin was gone, Emperor Yang Long's hands that had been moving up and down came to a halt, "Won ah, she is sick right?"

Won who had been standing on the side turned to face the Emperor, "Replying to Bixie, that was what happened. This servant personally saw the Physician brew some strong black medicine for the Empress yesterday."

While putting his brush down, the Emperor spoke neither indifferently or neither with concern about the other person, "Hm, she'll probably be resting from now on. You don't need to go there anymore and prepare for the moon table meeting and keep a watch on the first prince for me."

"Yes, Bixie."

"Hm. Have you got any news from master? When is he planning to come down from the mountains?"

"Our men said that there have been no such words mentioned from the master yet. It seemed, he has no such intentions so soon."

"Hm, I see."

"Bixie, what about your plans in taking Li Gui Fei to meet the master? Shall I…"

"Postpone it for now. Since master does not want to come down yet, then it means he does not want to meet anyone. Just keep me updated about his intentions."

"Yes, Bixie." Although Won did not speak anything, he knew that something was not right with the Emperor. Postponing Li Gui Fei's matters has never happened before, and mentioning the master's intentions was only an excuse.

...It was just that the Emperor was not going to speak and Li Gui Fei seemed to not be the person to open her heart either...

There was a moment of silence before, the Emperor spoke again, "Sigh, tell Shen Kun and Xie Ye to come over. I'll wait in the secret room."

"Yes, Bixie."