Daughter’s Identity (XII)

The guard raised his voice to cover the fear that he felt, "Do you think by bringing in the higher ups and you'll get whatever you want? In your dreams!" Not only did he raise his voice, he even poked onto Hui Lan's shoulder.

In return, Hui Lan's body swayed towards the force that was pushed upon her. Her face was revealed towards the sides of the officials, but just in time, Su Rong walked beside Hui Lan and covered her friend's face.

Hui Lan pursed her lips in irritation. This guard was truly getting on her nerves. Fine, if you want to taste this jie's fury...

However, even as fast as Su Rong was, someone's eyes that had been on the lady in the light purple dress since the beginning had grasped the lady's side profile.

Some sort of familiarity came to him, but it just did not ring any bells. The First Prince could only wonder in silence…

Meanwhile, just as Su Rong was about to take action, Hui Lan stopped Su Rong's arm that was about to end this guard's yapping mouth. Hui Lan gave a small smile that did not hide the coldness from inside. Although her face was covered up, it did not hide her eminence that came from within.

Hui Lan slowly revealed her face before the giant guard that was standing in front of her.

The guard looked at Hui Lan scorningly at her appearance. However, suddenly, this girl with different kinds of moles on her face revealed a wide smile yet it was full of coldness.

Without being able to react to the court lady's abrupt smile, the next thing the Royal guard knew was that his shoulder was poked just the same way he had done to the other.

Before he could react to what Hui Lan had done to him, her voice sounded in the area, "So, you are saying that you are not afraid of the higher ups?" which rendered the Royal guard speechless. He turned left and right and indeed, Hui Lan's voice had gathered attention from the surrounding people.

All the officials that were already close to where they were standing had also heard this court lady's voice.

Meanwhile, Su Rong crossed her arms in front of her ready to smack this dude if he stepped the line again.

Although Hui Lan was crying in pain from inside, she did not give time for the Royal guard to react and poked his shoulders again, "Are you so high up?" Again she poked his shoulder, "Higher than the Empress?" Once again, she pressed on his shoulders, "So high that you can decide whether or not Niang Niang can get her medicine or not!?"

Others watched as the small court lady from Kunning palace taught the guard that was two times bigger than her and how she kept poking the guard's shoulders while speaking those sharp words.

Without knowing the guard had taken several steps behind him.

From afar, a few laughter and whispering voices were seeping into the Royal guard's eyes. His ears twitched as all were mocking words that were directed at him.

Immediately, his face darkened from red to black to red again. As if having steam coming out from his head and ears, the Royal Guard took a few stomps towards this court lady and raised his hand.

Just as his hand was raised up, a whip was tangled around the Royal Guard's hand, "That is enough!" A rather formidable voice was heard from above the palace walls.

Hearing the voice that was engraved to all his senses, the Royal guard in front of Hui Lan lowered his hand without a second thought. Hence, the whip was released just as swiftly as it caught onto the guard's hand. Nevertheless, his eyes were staring at Hui Lan like he could eat her up.

Hui Lan turned her crossed eyes to the guard that was on top of the palace walls.

Within seconds, the other person simply jumped down from the palace walls and landed soundly on the ground as if he was as light as a feather.

This time it was Hui Lan's to cross her arms in front of her.

The man that had jumped down from the palace wall was a tall sturdy man who had very sharp soldier-like features. His chest was upright as he was suited in his marine outfit of the Royal Guard of Xin Li's Palace.

"Shun, that should be enough inspection."

"Yes, captain!" Shu replied loud and clear.

Hui Lan's fingers that were on her arms began tapping as she watched what was happening in front of her.

In the end, she could not help but poke her tongue to the surface of her cheeks inside her mouth.

At the same time, Shun who was the tall guard saw such arrogant actions from the court lady and was fuming, "Hey you! Before me, you can do that, but you can't do that to the Head of Royal Guards!"

Hui Lan smiled swiftly. This time there was no such unkindness excluding from her like how she was from before. She swiftly cupped her hands together in a very boyish manner and spoke, "So it is the Head of Royal guards, this servant did not look carefully and thought you were also a Royal Guard like him. I hope, captain will not take my careless actions too seriously." Hui Lan's voice was the entire opposite from how she had spoken to the guard that was called Shun.

Hearing and seeing the court lady being such a two-faced person in front of his captain made him even angrier.

Nevertheless, before the Royal Guard could do anything, the Head Royal Guard's hand was raised up as if to motion him to halt. The Head Royal Guard then spoke without showing any such feelings towards the court lady, "Since there is nothing you can go."

Hui Lan revealed a rather sweet smile, "Thank you Head guard." She did not even add 'royal' to his title and simply walked off.

Just as Hui Lan was about to walk past the Royal Guard Shun, he spoke just for the two of them to hear, "You're only lucky because of my captain."

Hui Lan smirked. This guard was either really dumb or just simply like picking fights. She whispered back, "You think I was saved because of the Head of the Royal Guards? You're wrong ah." She then turned her head craftily before speaking louder, "If it were not for what I said, then Captain Wei Lin would not have taken notice...one's effort should not be overlooked! Farewell ge ge!" Hui Lan then did not take another glance at him and left. She walked out of the palace door with different emotions.

...While that guard that was called Shun just simply liked to pick on fights or following someone's orders, that Head of Royal Guard or whatever had been looking at them for a long time ago and only took action when his follower was being cornered. These people in the palace were just a bunch of bullies! Big bullies they were!

Just then from out of nowhere, a piece of rock was flying towards the Royal guard who was called Shun, but before the rock could land on the guard's head, Captain Wei Lin's hand had caught it just in time.

The Captain opened his hand and could see a medium-size rock in his hand. If it had landed on his subordinate's head then he would have definitely lost consciousness. Nevertheless, there was no mean intention.

"Shun, go back to your place and keep your head away from open air." Then, in no time, the Head of Royal Guards made his way up to the top of the palace walls without many difficulties. He then walked inside a post and was no longer seen.

However, inside the post, he walked all the way to the side just to take a glimpse at the two court ladies. He stood in his place and crossed his arms as he pondered upon something that was bothering him.

...Where had he seen that face before?

As the commotion was no longer there for them to watch, everyone walked away. All the officials laughed and spoke of what a scene it was.

On the other hand, a particular individual had his hands held behind his back.

...Hm, even her maids had a sharp tongue like hers. What a way to teach your maids ah. Empress Feng ah, Empress...what could you be thinking?

As Hui Lan was finally out from the palace, she couldn't help but feel the rush of ecstatic feelings that were warming her heart.

Those vexed feelings she was feeling were wiped away within an instant. As if they had never been there, but what was the point to keep then rotting in her head?

Su Rong who was walking side by side Hui Lan could feel someone's gaze on them and could not help but feel uneasy.

"Hui Lan ah, you had to make a scene and even reveal your face to Captain Wei Lin ah."

"Why!?" Hui Lan asked while still being slightly distracted by the entire structure of the capital city.

"He might get swift of who you are ah!"

Su Rong's words finally caught Hui Lan's attention. She turned to Su Rong and asked, "He would?"

"He's looking at us right now from the palace wall's post!" Su Rong quickly told Hui Lan their situation.

Hui Lan simply smiled cheekily at Su Rong before speaking, "Watch." Hui Lan then turned to look at the direction of where the Royal Head Guard was standing. Not only did she look at him but give a flirty smile to him before giggling back at Su Rong.

Su Rong's eyes grew wide as she saw such bold actions from her friend. Was she out of her mind!?

On the other hand, Captain Wei Lin almost choked and quickly looked away.

...Nevermind that thought, it could never be the person he was thinking. What an audacious court lady! It could never be the timid person he was thinking of reporting to the Emperor. Not in a million year!