Rising (IV)

"Can you tell me how Hui Lan died?" was Feng Furen question to Hui Lan.

Meanwhile, Hui Lan looked at Feng Furen's seemingly never ageing face.

Hui Lan could still see the remains of pain from Feng Furen's eyes.

Her own mother might have the same look on her face as well. Talking about her mother, she too missed her...but she was faraway…

Seeing the young lady become quiet, Feng Furen asked again, "Hui Lan?"

Hui Lan quickly recollected herself and opened her lips, "Empress Feng, she died because of her weak health and heartache. The fire at Kunning palace was also because of her. In the palace, she was pushed and pushed beyond anyone could have handled mentally and with blows after blows, physically and mentally she could not take it." As Hui Lan recalled those painful memories that had been merged into hers, she could feel the lingering pain bit by bit.

Feng Furen could not help but bite her lips to keep herself calm before asking, "What happened?"

Hui Lan stared at Feng Furen for a short moment before thinking in the end that in this kind of situation, Empress Feng might have wanted her to at least let her mother know, "Prince Yun was poisoned and the Emperor has decided to keep it quiet."

"Poisoned!? My grandson!?" Feng Furen exclaimed in disbelief, "Why hasn't the Emperor done anything? My grandson isn't he his son as well!?"

Hui Lan became quiet.

...Yes, how could he have been so coldhearted as to not care for his son? How could he have not felt anything when his blood and flesh was murdered?

...Was it that in the palace, there was no such thing as blood and flesh? Even though he had only met his son once, did it not mean anything?

...He said he did not want a war between his two main officials, did he not know that the truth would be revealed one day? Between his son who he had never bonded with and someone who he loved, he chose to protect someone dear to him. However, such actions from him, was it justifiable? Was it called protecting? Or killing his loved one without knowing.

...If bad actions were not punished then no good would follow from such a person.

...There his fault laid. However, looking at this from an outsider's point of view, if Hui Lan had not given birth to a son in the royal palace and stayed in the palace quietly would such incidents happen to her? If not, then she would have to say the Empress Dowager was the first person to push Hui Lan on the edge. Then again, maybe if she had not been forced by the imperial decree to marry him then things might not have ended this way.

...It was such a situation they were all put in...

Hui Lan who had been indulged in her own thoughts slowly opened her lips again, "It was a cover up."

Hui Lan's answer left Feng Furen speechless. Hui Lan's words, would she not know what it inclined, "Let me guess, it was that...Li girl?" Feng Furen's voice was low as she uttered the 'Li girl' from her mouth.

Hui Lan's eyes had also turned a shade darker and answered honestly, "Yes."

Feng Furen immediately got up from her chair and strode out, "That damn Emperor!" Everyone knew that the Emperor doted on that girl, but she did not think that it would be to this extent to have killed her own daughter!

Sensing the strong murderous intent coming from Feng Furen's back, Hui Lan quickly called the elder to halt, "Feng Furen!" But it did not work. Before Feng Furen could open the door, Hui Lan tried again, "Niang!"

Hui Lan's familiar voice stopped Feng Furen in her steps immediately. Her hands that had been clenched into fists began to shake restlessly.

Slowly, the middle aged lady turned around with different waves in her eyes.

Hui Lan then continued rationally, "You cannot face them straight on like this. The last thing Empress Feng would have wanted was for you to be titled as a traitor. All those merits from the war would have gone to waste. This account must be taken underneath the table, not like this."

Feng Furen's jaws were clenched tightly.

...Of course, she knew that. But should she let her daughter and grandson die like that?

Seeing the sense of defeat in Feng Furen's eyes, Hui Lan quickly added, "It is not the end yet. There are many ways to let them know of their wrongdoings. You can also count on me."

Hui Lan's words made Feng Furen surprised in her heart. She would do such a thing for someone she did not know?

Hui Lan understood Feng Furen's peculiar gaze as doubtful and felt slightly disheartened. She looked down at her own slim hands silently. But not for long, she spoke again, "I know I do not have much," Hui Lan lifted her eyes up again, "But you can still count on me!

Feng Furen became quiet.

Deep in her heart, she could not help but feel slightly touched with this young lady's noble intentions.

...But there was also something she must do for herself and for her daughter at least…

...Fine, she would not kill them right away, but she'll have her own way…

Feng Furen noted down Hui Lan's righteous eyes. That was at least the Heavens could justly do...was to choose a good candidate.

"Rest well child, don't worry, I'll be back." Feng Furen turned around, but did not take another step before speaking again, "You'll get better soon...." ...I'll teach you. That is what she could do anyways.

Feng Furen then strode out with steady steps and a resolute heart.

...The Shen family...we meet again and again.

Hui Lan wanted to speak some more, but she felt like Feng Furen would no longer listen. But again, she believed that Feng Furen would not do such thoughtless actions...but she could not help but feel worried for the elder.




Ping An palace

Empress Dowager Xin was sitting at her outdoor pavilion underneath the blooming moon accompanied by her court lady who was standing a few steps away.

Although the night was beginning to get colder, she was sitting quietly as she read a book in her hands.

In front of her was a tea set that was delicately made. The teapot was on top of a dimly lit stove to keep it warm and in front of her was a small teacup.

The teacup was a nice shade of jade green and was exquisitely made. The tea was still hot and was steaming out with hot steams.

Just as the Empress Dowager was about to turn the page of her book over, a rush of wind blew in front of her. The steams coming from the tea also blew away along with the wind current before returning to normal.

In the once empty chair in front of Empress Dowager, a new figure was now occupying it.

Then, immediately, more dark shadows emerged in the pavilion with swords in their hands.

Empress Dowager flipped the page over like nothing had happened, "Leave us."

Then immediately, the dark shadows disappeared into the corners of the night.

"Tut. What a waste of food." Empress Dowager Xin could not help but comment. None of them was able to stop one person, how was this called as protecting her?

On the other hand, the other figure's lips hooked up ever so slightly, "Greetings senior sister."

Hearing the other's voice, the Empress Dowager did not have the mood to read and closed her book immediately, "Why are you here?"

The smile instantly faded on the other person's face before two short words were coldly spoken, "My grandson."

Empress Dowager's eyes became dim, "The little prince…"

Feng Furen's hands were clenched in a fist, "So this is the generous royal family. All of you are nothing but a bunch of cold hearted people, are you not!?" Feng Furen spoke coldly.

Feng Furen's words did not go in well for the Empress Dowager's court lady as court lady Han took a step forward. Immediately, Feng Furen shot a glare at the other which caused her heart to become engulfed in fear. Nevertheless, her face had been practised to keep her cool, but her hands were already shaking.

"It's alright, you can also go now," The Empress Dowager had to put a stop for this. The elder in the Royal Family then spoke, "Princess Feng Nuo, are you not one of the Royal Family as well?"

Feng Furen could not help but roll her eyes, "Stop with you flowery words. Why did you not do anything!? He was also your grandson!"

Empress Dowager heaved a long sigh. Her heart felt the same heaviness from the day she found out about the tragedy of her grandson. She looked at the lady in front of her and spoke honestly, "Feng Nou, I did. I tried to keep him safe, but I can't stop everything coming in his way either."

Feng Furen closed her eyes. Her shoulders became heavy as she knew that her senior sister better, she was the last person to be the most coldhearted…but if her senior sister knew that not only had she lost a grandson that she did not get a chance to meet but her own daughter as well…

Nevertheless, Feng Furen slowly opened her eyes again before speaking, "Why then did you not disclose the reason why he died and punish those that needed to be punished?"

Empress Dowager looked away, "Because of my son."

All through their conversation, Feng Furen's black bracelet had been silent the entire time. Which had only meant that everything the Empress Dowager had spoken was true.

In such a case, there was no such conclusion they would meet today, but one day, there would be an end to this matter.

Feng Furen got up, "Your father...your family...and my grandson...we've lost them both, so now, our past matters, we are equal. You should no longer harbour such intentions towards us and my husband now." After finishing what needed to be said, Feng Furen was about to leave when the Empress Dowager stood up in disagreement.

"How is that fair?" Empress Dowager was displeased with such a conclusion.

Without turning around, Feng Furen spoke softly, "I lost my daughter in that fire…" She did not wait to explain anymore and flew away.

Empress Dowager was about to call Feng Furen back when she thought carefully of her junior sister's last words.

...Daughter? But the Empress...unless?

In the end, the Empress Dowager's legs became weak and she could only fall back down on her seat.

"So, it is the end for us...senior brother…"

...The senior brother that the Empress Dowager mentioned would be no one else but the great General Feng Hong Yi…





With a heavy heart, Hui Lan felt stuffy inside the room and decided to get some fresh air.

She searched for a cloak in the wardrobe that was given to her not long ago and reached out for a wine shade cloak that had caught her eyes.

Hui Lan then quickly placed the cloak on before opening her windows. She looked out and could see a small stream that was handmade to decorate the guesthouse and a play that was being performed for the people below her.

The floor that she was on the highest floors of Dafu and if she were to fall down, she would not know if her body would be intact or not. She took a small gulp down her throat. Without any martial arts, she was just like a weak vegetable in here. Hui Lan then peeked over to her sides and up before she could see two rooftops on her two sides.

Dafu had two buildings and made a 'v' shape in the front and in the back, there was an open area in the middle between two buildings.

Moreover, there were planks of wood piled up in a long line beneath her window for decoration purposes which seemed to lead to the rooftops. Though those wood planks were not made for such reasons that she was thinking, Hui Lan thought that it was worth trying.

She was in deep thoughts before she was quick to decide and began climbing out of the window. She wasn't going to alert those guards outside her doors and cause a fuss.

Although the body she was in was weak, her brain was still working perfectly fine. Hence, climbing out of the window was smoothly accomplished.

One of her fair calves was exposed as she stepped onto the wood plank, but it was good that she had an undergarment pant on.

Once she was fully out of the window, she held onto her windowsill tightly as she took a few deep breaths. Her dark wine cloak was blowing behind her whenever a rush of wind blew past her. Meanwhile, the people below her were all focused on the play below her that no one was looking up.

Hui Lan looked at the trail of wooden planks that she had to walk on and quickly calmed her own heart. She had done something, even more, riskier than this, it was not her first. After having comforted herself, she took a small firm step out.

One by one, Hui Lan began to walk along the wooden planks.

However, little did she know that she was being watched by someone else who had been on the other side of the rooftop.

...Seems like someone was thinking the same as this young master...