Rising (IX)

Dust was exactly what was being seen at the investigation Bureau.

Both the Emperor and General Feng stood in front of the table which had a pile of smoky dust on it.

Such that looked as if a living being had been burnt into dust.

With this kind of evidence, it was not easy to find who could have done it. Nor were there any traces left inside the Minister of Justice's bedroom where he was 'supposedly dead' due to the blood on the Minister of Justice's furen.

However, further investigation was definitely needed for more clarification in such a peculiar case like this. Then again, this kind of case...had happened before.

General Feng observed the dust left on the table and was in deep thoughts.

The minister of Justice was murdered? It had been such a long time since he had met the minister of Justice. Before, in Emperor Shen Ge's reign, he could still remember the haughty minister that would always slick away with his sly tongue. During those times, the minister of Justice' household was one of the most prosperous households after the Xin and Li family. In those days, he was just a mere lieutenant.

Xin Li then was separated into two fractions; one of the Emperor Shen Ge's division policy while the other was to prevent such division of Da Ning to occur. One of those members that had supported the Emperor at the time was this minister of Justice.

...It was just that how could things turn into this way?

...He had seen something exactly like this.

...It was on the night when the Xin family was almost annihilated. The very family member left was the person before him.

Emperor Yang Long was listening to the description given by the Head of the Royal Guards, Captain Wei Lin. His sword like brows were slightly furrowed the more he listened to the report of the case.

General Feng turned his attention away from the evidence and to the sovereign leader of Xin Li.

In the General's unbiased eyes, his son-in-law was not that bad in terms of being the leader of the country. There had been countless times where they had worked together, but to this young ruler of Xin Li, it seemed those times together were merely regarded as 'work' where no such bond was shared.

Thinking of the image of the small boy who he had seen growing up for the first half of his years, it has been so long.

The same very boy seemed to have grown much since the tragic night when he witnessed his own grandfather being killed in front of his eyes.

...The Xin family was simply too tragic.

General Feng unknowingly glanced down at his own hands.

...It was also his own hands that had ended his master's life.

Slowly, those big hands became gritted tightly for he knew exactly who was behind this.

It was also at that moment that both Emperor Yang Long and Captain Wei Lin had finished their discussion and were making their way towards the middle aged General.

Both could see that the General was lost in his own thoughts and turned to look at each other briefly.

...What could the General be thinking at a time like this?

"General? Is there something wrong?" Emperor Yang long's voice brought General Feng's thoughts back to the present.

General Feng Hong Yi looked back up to the people standing on the opposite side of the table, "Yes Bixie?"

"General Feng, you were thinking of something?" Captain Wei Lin spoke up from beside the Emperor.

Having been caught straying off in his thoughts, General Feng smiled faintly, "This General might have just recalled that I have seen this kind of murder once in my lifetime."

"Murder?" Emperor Yang Long's left brow was raised up as he heard his general's absolute words.

General Feng raised both of his hands and cupped in front of the Emperor respectively, "Yes, Bixie. He must have been dissolved into dust due to a kind of poison; a very acid kind."

"And you are so sure?" None of his Ke group found out what could have been the reason for the minister of Justice' assumed death, but this general in front of him seemed to be so sure of it.

"Replying to Bixie, the same thing had happened to the spy of the Xin household, 20 years ago." After General Feng had thrown out those words, the investigation Bureau seemed to have dropped a few degrees lower.

Emperor Yang Long's hands were both clenched into tight fists underneath his sleeves.

...He dared bring up about my household!? Spy? Was it not him who was the spy?

Nevertheless, Emperor Yang Long turned to look at the window outside to hide his feelings swiftly.

Having seen the Emperor's true feelings even just for a short moment, a sense of resolvement seemed to have struck General Feng.

...It was no wonder that there would be no favour from the Emperor to his daughter. All these time, he had thought that this monarch had left everything in the past to the past.

...The Emperor had kept all those feelings to himself so well all along. It was just that this time, since the facade was blown by Hui Lan, there were no more reasons to keep those feelings hidden like before.

But there was still hostility in those cold black eyes of the young monarch in front of him.

...Bixie still blamed him for killing his grandfather, that was for sure. However, what was the intention of the Emperor marrying Hui Lan in the first place? Revenge?

The General began to feel chills all over his body. He had never thought that the thought of danger upon his family would make him this nervous.

On the other hand, Emperor Yang Long turned back soon after recovering his emotions and the aloof returned back into those indifference eyes, "Thank you, General. You may leave for now."

Hearing the words that seemed to come out like an order more than thankful words, the general knew what he had to do, "Yes, Bixie." General Feng bowed and took his leave.

As he walked away, his thoughts could not help but think of the person behind him.

...Although there was hostility, it seemed that it was not the time yet. Like a predator waiting for its prey to go into his trap.

...However, with the Emperor finally revealing his claws to him, was it intentional or not?

The General of Xin Li left with wariness in his heart towards his ruler. Meanwhile, Emperor Yang Long watched with reserved eyes.

...One day or another his intentions would become apparent to this general of his. It was bound to come.

However, their actions from today onwards neither would be able to foresee what was to follow in the future.


Mt. Yun

The path was long, but the entourage along with their mist torch had finally arrived in one of the deepest parts of the mountain safely.

However, upon arriving, there was a great big wall of trees blocking the path in front of them.

Feng Furen crossed her arms in front of her with a worried face.

...In this case, her master seemed to not have any intentions in meeting her at all ah.

Sensing Feng Furen's distress, Hui Lan could not help but wonder, "Is there something wrong?" Were they lost?

With her distant eyes looking at the obstacle in front of her, Feng Furen replied, "We're not welcomed."

To that, Hui Lan was even more perplexed.

However, just as confusion sprouted in Hui Lan's thoughts, a dark figure was arriving closer towards them.

At first, the shadow was unrecognisable, but then, the outline became clearer and a figure of a person into their sights.

Before the guards took out their swords, Feng Furen quickly ordered, "Keep your weapons down."

Soon after, the figure walked out from the darkness and a rather clean looking person with white robes appeared before them.

"Greetings Feng Furen," the newcomer spoke while cupping his hands respectfully.

Feng Furen also cupped her hands and spoke, "Greetings senior brother."

The other smiled widely, so wide that his eyes were hardly seen, "Never thought we'd see you again."

"Never thought that senior brother would still be here." Feng Furen replied swiftly.

The other could only huff his emotions out as he heard the contempt coming from the other person, "You have never changed at all ah."

To that, Feng Furen finally revealed a wide smile. It was the first time Hui Lan had seen with her own eyes that Feng Furen could smile this brightly.

"How are you senior brother?" Feng Furen asked the other as if wanting to catch up with an old friend.

"You know, here and there. Who have you brought with you, hm?" Feng Furen's senior brother could not help but ask about the young lady that looked very similar to Feng Furen. From the facial features to the figure, they were very much alike.

Feng Furen turned to look at Hui Lan and both met eyes briefly, "She's my daughter. Treat her as your own niece."

"Aiya, have I grown that old ah?" The middle aged man asked himself doubtfully.

To that, Hui Lan's lips were slightly hooked up, but just briefly.

Even that, it did not escape from the other's eyes. Instantly, Feng Furen's senior brother's eyes became squinted.

...We shall see, young lady. Just you wait when you know what you will have to go through, hm.

Before her senior brother's eyes could split her good daughter in half, Feng Furen quickly reacted, "Let's all go shall we?"

The noble like man crossed his arms haughtily, "Hm, sounds like a good idea. This noble one would like to see what would happen next."

...Aiya, it seemed Hui Lan had made her senior brother angry ah. He was always like this whenever age was mentioned.

...Sigh, but it was still alright since there was her to protect her daughter from this harsh mentor…

Hui Lan had also felt those cold eyes looking at her, but everything was very much perplexing to her. This middle aged man was also another perplexing puzzle piece to her puzzle.

...What on earth was she doing here ah?


Hui Lan's questions were soon to be answered…