Bond (V)

Three days had passed and significantly, Hui Lan's skills had improved so much. Her capability to learn and absorb the lessons had surpassed all of the elder's expectations.

Before she had come here, all three of the elders had a clear understanding of the girl's health from her mother who was one of the best doctors out there. Hence, all of their lessons were prepared especially for her.

In the morning she would practise her stamina with Elder Yi, in the afternoon she would duel with Elder Zhang, and in the evening, she was to practice the Yin Ying move with Feng Furen. All these, she was able to memorise and make the skills flow out from her naturally. She was like a natural.

However, three days of her practice could have equalled to a month's worth of practice from other ordinary students. Her health has also gotten so much better than before coming here.

All the elders could see that she was ready to move on to another intense level.

It was already the fourth day here and like the other days, she was practising an intense course with Elder Yi. This time the Elder Yi was more engaging in helping her and was guiding her every movement.


Everything had been going well and smoothly until Su Jou's arrival.

The third-generation student had arrived in a rather unexpected notice to the Elders.

Su Jou made his way swiftly to Feng Furen who was having tea with Elder Zhang who had finally come out from his own chambers to oversee their underground quarters. It seemed the Elder had finally opened up his heart for this new student of his.

"Aunt Feng. Master." Su Jou greeted the two elders in a hurry.

Feng Furen placed her teacup down, "What is it, Su Jou? Did something happen?"

Su Jou nodded in worry, "Aunt Feng, the third prince, he...he found out that Hui Lan jie was not in the palace. However, Rong jie has kept him refined inside Kunning palace for now, but jie wants me to report to you what to do next."

"What happened? How did he find out?" Feng Furen demanded.

"The thing is…"




Kunning Palace.

It has been four days already that Hui Lan was not around, even the snowy owl was also not around.

Su Rong was the only person inside of Kunning Palace and she had been pretty much lonely in the small tearoom.

The outside world only knew that the Empress was driven sicken from the meeting hall and is recuperating herself in her palace.

Since Hui Lan was not in the Palace, there has been no talks about repairing Kunning Palace.

...Tch, these Royals really didn't show any affection for one another at all.

However, little did people know that the Royal Physician had also not seen the Empress and had only been giving the medicine to the Empress' court lady to boil. He was told that the Empress did not want to see him, hence, the Royal Physician Jin did not defy her orders.

Days past but unlike other days, the Royal Physician Jin was heading towards the Palace along with the Empress Dowager.

Su Jou who had been standing guard of Kunning Palace could see the small entourage make their way towards Kunning Palace.

Immediately, he went to alert his sister of the upcoming danger.

"Jie," He said with a worried voice.


"Physician Jin is coming this way with the Empress Dowager. We must do something."

Su Rong's brows became creased.

...That over sensitive physician must have ticked the Empress Dowager to visit Kunning Palace.

...This time, there would be no way to turn down the Empress Dowager from meeting the Empress.

Nevertheless, she was always prepared for the worst, "Alright. You stay on guard in here. I'll get someone to cover up as Hui Lan."

"En." Su Juo replied quickly before making his way to hide himself in the corners of the rooftop.

On the other hand, Su Rong quickly sent out a whistle and from the window, a slim figure of a court lady in a purple dress came inside.

"Ping ping, quickly put on the Empress' robes with the veil on and lie down on the bed. I'll hide you behind these curtains."

"Yes, Miss Su." The court lady was slightly younger than Hui Lan and had a weak pulse similar to Hui Lan's and was brought in to be prepared for whenever Hui Lan's presence was needed.

The court lady got changed into the outer robes and put on the veil just in case. She then quickly went inside and laid down like a sick person.

On the other hand, Su Rong had specially set up these curtains just in case anyone was to come inside the room and it was definitely needed. The head court lady of Kunning palace then quickly closed the curtains around the newly set up bed.

"Ping Ping, give me your pulse." Su Rong made one last check to see if there would be any differences to the court lady's pulse.

The young lady revealed her bare wrist from the curtains for Su Rong to check quickly.

Su Rong quickly placed her fingers on Ping Ping's pulse before nodding, "Alright, just act as if you are asleep for now, alright?"

"Yes, Miss Su." The small voice peaked through the curtains.

"The Empress Dowager arrives!" A loud announcement was heard from outside.

Quickly Su Rong got up and reassured, "Alright, you stay here." She settled her purple dress and made her way to open the doors like she normally would.

The Empress Dowager was standing just below the stairs along with her maids and servants behind her. However, there was someone who had caught Su Rong's eyes which was none other than the Royal Physician Jin who was standing behind the Empress Dowager quietly.

Nevertheless, she took her eyes away from him just as indifferently as she used to. However, there was something more intense in her gaze which seemed much colder than before.

Su Rong walked down the stairs, passed the guards and when she was in front of the elder in the palace, she bowed in greetings towards the Empress Dowager.

"Where's the Empress?" Empress Dowager questioned as she did not see the Empress come out to greet her like usual.

"Replying to Empress Dowager, I am afraid that a few hours ago the Empress had gone for a nap after taking her medicine and is in a deep slumber. This servant could not wake up the Empress in time and came out to greet the Empress Dowager first." Su Rong replied swiftly and politely towards the other person.

"Hm, let Aijia see the Empress myself. Ah San, you should come and check on your sister-in-law as well." The Empress Dowager did not forget to include the Royal Physician in as well.

To that, a cold aura flashed passed Su Rong's eyes before quickly disappearing, "Yes, Empress Dowager."

Hence, the Empress Dowager followed by the Royal Physician Jin and along with court lady Han made their way inside with Su Rong in the back.

Just like Su Rong had thought, the Royal Physician Jin was now checking on the Empress' pulse while the Empress Dowager was looking outside the Empress' window.

...Sigh, the Empress had shown no signs of wanting to repair this burnt palace. Did she want Aijia to do everything for her?

Meanwhile, the Royal Physician had just finished checking the Empress' pulse and began writing down in his note like usual.

Seeing that the Physician had finished the check-up, Su Rong carefully placed the Empress' hand back into the bed.

"How is she Ah-San?" Empress Dowager asked from the sideline.

"Sigh, it seems the Empress is still very sick and her pulse has not changed." Physician Jin cupped his hands as he reported to the Empress Dowager.

"Hm." It seemed more than thinking about this half-burnt palace, the young Empress wouldn't even have the strength to do any of this. The elder of the Royal Palace could not help but pity her, "Court lady Han, tomorrow, send for the Royal architect to start rebuilding Kunning Palace. Tell him that Aijia wants this place' prestige to be restored to how it used to be."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." The Empress Dowager's court lady replied immediately.

"Alright, since the Empress is still sleeping, then Aijia will make my way back. Ah-San, take care of her health for me and report if there is anything wrong."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Physician Jin replied humbly towards the Empress Dowager.

Hence, when all was done and set, the Royal elder took her leave along with all the court lady and servants that had followed along.

However, only the Royal Physician Jin was left inside the room as usual.

Su Rong went to close the door after Empress Dowager Xin had left, but when she turned around, she had forgotten that there was still an outsider in their room, "Sigh, Physician Jin, I think you should also let Niang Niang sleep as well. She has been so tired lately."

Royal Physician Jin's hand that was holding onto the brush stopped in the air. Slowly, he placed the brush and his notebook away. His every action was like the calmness before the storm.

After he was done, his usual unharmful eyes grew unusually indifferent towards Su Rong before slowly opening his lips, "Where is the Empress?"

Once those words were let out, Su Rong's figure was no longer at the door and she already had her hands striking the Royal Physician.

However, the meek-looking Physician had his own skills hidden underneath his sleeves. He was able to dodge every attack that was coming from the lady in front of him.

"Do you think that you could replace another person and think that I would not notice?" Physician Jin reprimanded like a senior towards his junior.

On the other hand, Su Rong shrugged, "I had actually thought like that."

"You!" Physician Jin could not help but get angry at how the young lady was truly looking down at his skills.

Su Rong did not think much and was very much focused at catching this physician and tie him up from spouting any more nonsense. In her eyes, only Aunt Feng was a master in the medicine world, so if he wanted to make her think that he was good, then his skills would have to surpass or even be at pair with her Aunt.

...In which, it would be a hard challenge for him.

Both Su Rong and Physician Jin skills' were very much at the same level as each other. Every move made by the Physician, Su Rong was able to swiftly defend them.

While duelling with the young girl, physician Jin carefully observed her. The young girl's skills were most likely due to her head. However, if she grew up a bit more, how much more would her skills improve...that would be quite scary for his brother's opponent had such a competent assistant.

However, let this senior teach her some things.

All of a sudden, Physician Jin's movements grew faster and in the end, Su Rong landed into his imprison.

His arm was wrapped around Su Rong tightly to keep this little cat from moving.

As for Su Rong, she did not stop trying to free herself from him. However, slowly from behind her the Physician Jin drew closer while keeping a respectable distance. Although while he drew closer, his herbal scent was floating all around her.

"Now, what would you like me to do? Should I tell my brother right away or..."

Su Rong's answer came out as unexpected to him as whistled a small tune. At once, Su Jou's figure appeared from behind Physician Jin.

Physician Jin's brows became slightly furrowed upon the arrival of the mysterious man in black robes.

While the Physician's focus went to the newcomer, Su Rong was able to break free swiftly.

Then, in no time, the three young people began to duel intensely with one another. This time, with two against one, and it was like Physician Jin was handling with two more of Su Rong at the same time. The tides had turned as the Physician was being teamed up. Moreover, the entire tearoom was already in a complete mess.

In the end, it was only the Physician Jin who had lost in the duel between the two who had teamed up on him. Not only did they fight against him together, but they had also tied him up tightly inside the once peaceful tearoom.

The Royal Physician Jin who had been experiencing nothing but leisure in his life was now tied up into a bundle by the two Su siblings.

After tying up the Physician's arms and legs, the two siblings did not forget to tie up his mouth as well.

Once their masterpiece was done, Su Rong stood up with her two arms on her waist. The young court lady relieved a deep sigh, "Su Jou, tell Aunt Feng about this and also it would be best if Hui Lan could return here as fast as possible."

"Alright." Thereafter Su Jou's figure had disappeared into thin air.

On the other hand, Physician Jin was looking at Su Rong with eyes full of dagger.

Even though he was not speaking, Su Rong could understand what he wanted to say. The young court lady placed her hands behind her back as she wandered back and forth in front of the Physician. Despite she did not like him, but he had helped Hui Lan out many times and she was feeling slightly bad for that. However, he had also blown their secret up, so it would be for Hui Lan to decide on this one.

Needless to say, wherever she moved, his big glaring eyes would follow her.

Su Rong finally halted in her steps before speaking, "Aiya, third prince Shen Jin. You can stop acting like my aunt with those big eyes. I think there is something that you must understand, you have already hopped onto our boat a long time ago and I think it's best if you should think about it."

However, that did not lessen Physician Jin's glare at Su Rong.

The court lady then spoke without thinking much, "Or you can just think about how you had terribly been defeated by two youngsters, tch." Su Rong then turned around in a huff.

...He truly busted everything up. Hui Lan was happily training and improving drastically. Now, her friend's training was disturbed.

...If it weren't for all the good things the Physician had shown to Hui Lan, she would have taken his eyes out from his sockets or just simply saying to do so and not actually doing it...

...Why wasn't there anything good coming from the Xin family ah? She had thought that he would be at least better than his older brother, but it seemed they weren't that different from each other, always blocking her friend's way.

The only thing was it that things were reversed and the young lady was the one who had tied up the young gentlemen.

...It seemed there was nothing much in difference between each other...for anything could happen...

Meanwhile, as his fury emotions had slowly begun to quiet down. He was able to think over the things that had happened over this past week and years.

...It seemed he has shown much favour for the Empress than his own brother.

...Hm, had he jumped onto the Empress' boat without knowing?




Su Jou had finally spoken of the entire story to the two elders and ended on his sister's note, "Aunt Feng, Rong jie suggests that it would be good if Hui Lan jie could go back to the palace."

Feng Furen could only sigh.

There was nothing much Su Rong could do in that situation. It was that Physician's skills that had unveiled everything.

It seemed they had underestimated his skills.

Feng Furen took a moment to think before deciding in the end. The elder looked at Elder Zhang who had already gestured in agreement with what Feng Furen had on her mind.

She then made her way towards the separated room where Hui Lan was training with Elder Yi with a heavy heart.

...Hui Lan had just begun to like staying here.

...It was a shame that she could no longer stay any longer for it was important to know what side the Physician Jin was on.

...However, his identity would not have been of much importance if he was not the third prince. It would be most likely that he would side along with his brother, the Emperor.

...But then, Su Rong would have asked for Hui Lan's return if she did not see an opportunity,

...This time, it would have to depend on how well Hui Lan could get past this.