Down to Business (I)

The small entourage had finally come down to the middle of the mountain where there were trails for people to commute down the mountain and around it.

Underneath one of the trees among the rest of the trees, a simple looking carriage was waiting with one coachman sitting oblivious to the world.

"There will just be me and my daughter in the carriage. Everyone else, conceal yourself and we shall meet at Da Fu. Su Juo, Aunt will see you at Da Fu." Immediately after Feng Furen's order was given out, everyone had all hidden themselves and there was only the elder and Hui Lan left in the entire woods.

Inside, only Hui Lan and Feng Furen sat inside the carriage with a table in between. Unlike how they first came to the mountain like strangers getting to know each other, they were both sitting comfortably in front of each other.

While Feng Furen was reading a few reports from her husband, Hui Lan was sitting quietly alone as she looked out of the gaps of the curtains shielding the people inside the carriage from the outside world.

"What are you thinking about?" Feng Furen spoke while her eyes were still on the report in her hand. Without having to look up, she already knew Hui Lan was thinking about something.

Hui Lan retrieved her eyes from the window to Feng Furen, "I'm just thinking about how to deal with the Royal Physician when I go back, Feng Furen,"

"Ah." Feng Furen immediately closed the report in her hands, before speaking, "Call me Niang, please. Every time you call me like how others do, my heart always stings like a bee sting." Feng Furen acted like she was truly hurt.

Hui Lan could only laugh drily, "Heh, it's just a habit. I'll call you Niang from now on." (mother in Chinese)

Feng Furen then placed her face in the palm of her hands and her focus was now on Hui Lan's worries, "Hm, carry on then."

"I was just asking if you would have anything useful for me about the Royal Physician Jin?" Hui Lan spoke with a contemplating face on her.

"Oh?" Feng Furen lowered her hand to the table, "So, that's what you were thinking're heading in the same way as me. I've already asked for someone to give me a report about the Royal Physician. When we return to Da Fu, we will have some news about him." Feng Furen reassured the young lady in front of her.

"Hm," Hui Lan nodded silently in response.

"What else are you thinking?" Feng Fure could see that Hui Lan was already thinking over another topic.

"I'm thinking about how I can come back again." Hui Lan finally revealed what she was most concerned about.

To that, the elder smiled, "Hui Lan ah, there is something that you should know. You do not need to be in the underground quarters if you want to improve yourself. In the Royal palace, there are small woods that are not fully guarded, there you can practise your skills without anyone knowing."

"How?" Hui Lan was surprised to know that there were such places in the palace and how Feng Furen knew about them.

"How do I know about this?" Feng Furen leaned her back to the cushions behind her leisurely, "Well, let's just say I used to have my own connections there and have been practising my own skills there myself."

Feng Furen's words made Hui Lan even more surprised, "Used to?"

"Hm, a long time ago, before you went to the palace, but the palace hasn't really changed even when the Emperor changed. The Royal Palace, it's bigger than what you might have in your memories." The elder was sure that her daughter might not have been able to go around the palace and even the routes in the palace map, these places were not really specified.

"Why is that?" In Hui Lan's league of history studies, it was not that usual to have wildness in the palace walls.

"Because through the generations, the royals have all loved nature, but since they could not go out of the palace much, they all built or expanded the palace to the woods beside and included those parts as one with the palace. Even the lake in front of your palace was once admired by all the Empresses before you."

Hui Lan turned her long gaze to the window gap, "Hm, it looks very much lonely to me."

"The solitary can be lonely."

Feng Furen's response made Hui Lan quiet. The Empress herself began pondering those words.

...This position...was their only loneliness?

Seeing Hui Lan become quiet, she quickly suggested, "How about this, tonight, I'll sneak in the palace and take you to tour around the palace."

Hui Lan looked up at the elder and thought for a few seconds before agreeing in the end.

"Very well." Feng Furen nodded.

Just then, a man's voice seeped inside of the carriage, "Leader, we've arrived."

"Let's go, shall we?" Feng Furen got up and suggested.

"Yes, Niang." Hui Lan replied with a small smile.

To that, Feng Furen smiled back, "Thank you." Thank you for thinking about my feelings. Thank you for accepting me as your mother. And thank you for being truthful.


In Da Fu, two young masters with big hats could be seen making their way inside of the fu. Both headed their way inside with the welcome of lieutenant Liu, "This way sir." The lieutenant spoke respectively.

To that, the two newcomers made their way up the stairs and soon they had arrived in front of a room that was meant for General Feng and his furen.

The door to the room was opened quickly and was closed once again as if nothing happened.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Feng Furen was greeted with her husband's big hug. He then went over and hugged his daughter before revealing a smile that was as if covering his tears as he looked at the two ladies.

"Aiyoo, you're all this old now, but you're already moved to tears ah." Feng Furen teased playfully on the side.

General Feng fired back, "Oh, don't leave me alone again ah. I don't think it would be a good idea in the future in case you wanted me to live a long life."

"Fine fine, let's go inside first. Has Su Juo arrived?" Feng Furen quickly changed the topic.

"He's inside and so is everyone." General Feng answered meekly.

Feng Furen turned to their daughter before suggesting them to go inside, "Let's head in first." She turned to look at her husband and spoke, "Even everyone is waiting patiently inside."

"This general is not like everyone else." General Feng replied proudly.

On the side, Hui Lan watched as the married couple shared their affectionate sides to each other. In a way, she could understand this owner's feelings and thoughts about her ideal marriage life; one husband and one wife, living together. There was a good example of a lovely couple right before her eyes, but it was a shame that her own marriage was not alike.

Hui Lan's eyes grew clouded. Shen family...

"Niang! Jie!" Feng Lin exclaimed as he saw his mother and sister walk inside the room.

"Feng Lin!" Feng Furen called back to her son who came to give her a warm hug, then with his other hand, he pulled his sister into another hug.

"I was so bored ah." Feng Lin pouted.

To that, Feng Furen pinched on Feng Lin's side, "You should learn to stay put and not look for trouble once in a while."

Hui Lan added, "You didn't look for trouble because there's no one to save your butt huh?"

Being targeted at once, Feng Lin immediately released his arms from the two in front of him and held onto his heart tightly, "Arhh, my heart."

Hui Lan crossed her arms, "What about your heart, hm?"

"It feels like it's been stabbed a million times." Feng Lin acted right before their eyes.

"The truth hurts right?" Hui Lan shrugged.

"Jie ah!" Feng Lin had no other way out from his big sister.

"Enough enough, let's start planning what to do, Su Jou, you can sit down now." Feng Furen quickly brushed them off and went to sit down around their long table.

"Yes, Aunt Feng."

Hui Lan smiled widely before making her way to sit beside Feng Furen. Feng Lin and General Feng followed behind the two ladies and sat around the table with Su Juo.

"Hm, now, what have you found Su Juo?" Feng Furen opened up the subject right away.

"Ahem, the Royal Physician has a medicine house built in his own personal land in the capital where he would from time to time visit and help the citizens. The medicine house sells medicine, prescriptions, and simple care for the people at an inexpensive price. Nevertheless, nobody knows that this medicine house belongs to the Royal Physician, most likely kept as a secret." Su Jou recalled what he had found out in a short period of time.

"Medicine house…" Hui Lan's thoughts began to work faster as she thought of how to take advantage of this.

"Hm, the third prince seemed to be busy." General Feng commented.

"Such humble actions." Su Jou added.

"Hui Lan, have you thought of something?" Feng Furen could see that her daughter was coming up with something very special for this Royal Physician.

"Hm, just thinking that maybe..." Hui Lan replied before turning to ask Su Jou something that had come into her mind, "Su Juo, do you know where the Physician's daily supplies come from?"

Su Juo nodded before replying, "Their supplies come from a few farmers but mostly from a few merchants in the capital city. Their main supplies come from a place called Bai Long Qin store that supplies different kinds of herbs and tea." Su Jou quickly replied truthfully.

Hui Lan's attention grew, "Bai Long Qin? Can you tell me about Bai Long Qin then?"

Su Juo nodded before taking out a small book from his pockets. It was his own booklet about the few famous storehouses in Xin Li, "Bai Long Qin is a family business owned by the Ma family. They were first farmers but slowly grew and became suppliers for the capital city. The current owner is Ma Rou. He is thought to be the most shrewd person in his family, yet he was the one who made Ba Long Qin grow until what it is like today."

Hui Lan clasped her hands together, "Then, tell me about this Ma Rou, what are his weaknesses? If there is any?"

"Hm," Su Jou quickly went through his small list in his small booklet to the last few sentences before reading them out loud, "This Ma Rou, he has a daughter. However, despite her young age, she is bedridden since she was young. Her illness is very much complicated and disclosed, but ever since then, he has been trying to find the best doctors but they have all failed."

"Bedridden?" One of Hui Lan's brows was raised up.

"Yes." Su Jou nodded seriously.

To that Hui Lan revealed a wide smile, "Niang, have you got some more dragon's blood?"

Feng Furen tilted her head, "Hm?" Everyone was looking at Hui Lan with a puzzled look on their faces.

"I think that what Ma Rou needs to heal his daughter is some dragon's blood." Hui Lan then sat up straight before speaking, "I've got a plan. Niang, we should visit the Ma fu (house)and heal Ma Rou's daughter first before I go back to the palace. Also, we should buy some supplies...Su Jou, send someone to act as the Physician Jin for me in my palace so that those watching won't be suspicious of him staying in my palace for long. Act as if he's boiling medicine for me, I just need some time..."

"Alright." Su Juo nodded right away.

Hui Lan then turned to Feng Furen with a request, "Niang, I think I might have to borrow some money from you."

"How much?" Feng Furen did not mind at the slightest bit.

"A lot." Hui Lan paused before speaking again, "I'm going to buy Bai Long Qin."

Hui Lan's words left Feng Lin gasping, "Jie, you're going to buy…?"


Instantly, admiration began to flood all over Feng Lin's face, "Whoa, Jie, since when have you become this cool?"

"Since I was born." Hui Lan smirked.

Feng Lin's admiration was whipped from his face straight away, "Tch."

Feng Furen could see what Hui Lan was doing, but she had to make sure of another thing, "Su Juo, aside from Bai Long Qing, there are no other herb storehouses anymore?"

To that Su Juo quickly replied, "Although Ma Rou is shrewd, his herbs are one of the finest, yet inexpensive. Many just don't know, but it seemed the Royal Physician must have seen through Ma Rou's cover."

Once Feng Furen was sure that Hui Lan would not be hurt from her decision, Feng Furen stood up, "Then what are we waiting for, let's go."