Catching a Fox (Last)

"Prime Minister Li, can you explain what all of these papers are about?" Minister Qi Zheng's voice resounded in the room and in Prime Minister Li's head. 

Prime Minister Li looked up from the papers in his hands in a daze. His mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out from it.

...He too wanted to ask that question.

...Where did these agreement papers come from?

He looked up in the sky in disbelief. 

...These papers wouldn't have just fallen down themselves, who could it be, WHO!? WHO DARED TO DO SUCH A SLY THING BEHIND HIS BACK!?

The person who was responsible was looking at the daunted face on Prime Minister Li's face with a soft smile on her unfazed face. She was rather looking forward to hearing what this impartial Minister of Justice would have to say.

"Prime Minister Li, please explain." Minister Qi Zheng reminded the prime minister.