Celebration, let’s celebrate (X)

The elder slowly turned to look at the direction of the Right Prime Minister Li, "Hm, how have you been little Li? You've grown a lot all these years." Grand Master Rui slightly revealed a small smile after greeting his old 'acquintance'.

It was then, that the Right Prime Minister Li was sure of the other's identity.

...Master Rui!?

In shock, Prime Minister Li slightly staggered a few steps back.

...No, it couldn't be?

Nevertheless, seeing such a reaction from the other people who had never seen this Grand Master Rui before in their entire lives, the Right Prime Minister Li's reaction had confirmed the other's identity.

It was really, the Grand Master Rui of the long lost Rui Ren.

…'How have you been little Li? You've grown a lot all these years.'

Grand Master Rui's words kept repeating inside of Prime Minister Li's head over and over again.

...Little Li!? 

...How long has it been since he had been called by that name.