Dragon’s Scale (IV)

Hui Lan took a deep breath before slowly leaning forward.

"Xiao Mao, watch out for me." 

"Be careful, miss."


With that, Hui Lan's figure had disappeared from young master Hei's side and reappeared in between the people she had left behind and the figures in black.

Her sudden action had brought everyone's attention to her for the time being. She looked around at her followers leading the guests into safety with some urgency in her gaze.

Despite her distraction, it wasn't enough time for everyone to leave to safety and the dark forces had turned to the guests that were retreating one after the other. The rest of the dark forces continued charging toward Hui Lan's direction.

Hui Lan worriedly looked over to where everyone else was running away for their life. The dark forces had occupied the front entrance, so they all had to use the side exits.