Beneath the Mask (I)


A figure covered in a feathery cloak carefreely roamed among the shadows in the city. A nonchalant smile was placed on her angelic face.

She soon arrived on top of a large official's mansion. Upon a closer look, her eyes were the same colour as blood. They were two red pupils that glowed in the dark. Whenever she swept her eyes to look at the world beneath her feet, there was a sense of pride and ruthlessness.

…It wouldn't be long hehe.

The figure closed her eyes and took a deep breath before revealing an evil smile. When she opened her eyes, they were glaring at a spot on the rooftop across from hers.

"What have we here? Hm, young master Hong?" She laughed underneath her throat.

Hui Lan didn't pay much attention to the figure in front of her but instead looked at the people who were celebrating below, "You don't think you'll ruin the mood if you appeared in front of them."