
Shortly after Xiao Yao delivered Tang Xi to school, a helicopter appeared on a park lawn near the school. As it was Monday, there were few people in the park, except for some old people who were practicing Tai Chi. After the helicopter landed, Xiao Yao climbed quickly into the helicopter.

"Major!" As soon as Xiao Yao got on the helicopter, a soldier in a combat uniform saluted him. Xiao Yao responded with a military salute, asking, "What's the matter?"

"The chief commanded us to go straight to the border of Province Y. The counter-terrorism forces of several other countries have arrived there right now," the man said, handing some files to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao took the files and closed the cabin door. The helicopter then left the lawn with a whirring sound, by which time Xiao Yao had finished reading the files.

"What does the chief want us to do?" Xiao Yao asked in a low voice, putting on his headphones.