Bow Out

Ning Yan also wanted to have a drink; not to celebrate, but to vent. Although he didn't like the leading actress of the TV series, he liked its subject—it was very inspirational despite being a youth idol drama. He was really reluctant to give it up.

"Who are you going to ask out for a drink?" Ning Yan thought that the Xiao Family had to be busy at this time.

Something suddenly occurred to Ning Yan and he asked, "Did you read the news? About the Xiao brothers being stampeded by journalists when they accompanied Xiao Rou to watch a movie last night?"

He Wanyi shook her head. She had been filming a night scene last night and didn't know Xiao Yao was stampeded by journalists. "What happened?" She hurriedly took out her phone and searched for the news.

But she didn't find anything related to the matter. "There's no news about it."